New sky scraper on every block in the City of Victoria Vancouver Island British Columbia Canada. Sep 29, 2017
I came to the City of Victoria, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada when I was 14 years old and I was born as a Canadian in QC. When I was a teenager in the City of Victoria, BC there was a Mayor who enforced a rule that high rises could not exceed 4 stories high in any part of the City of Victoria, BC. Now in 2017 the politics and economic climate has changed the policies of the City of Victoria, BC are allowing mega block towers to soar into the skies and they are being installed on almost every block in the city. I guess, I feel a personal attack by viewing these building structures because, as a citizen of the City of Victoria on Sept 29, 2017, I feel that the priority of the City of Victoria should have been to take care of the absolute poor and this is not the case. Instead it is crystal clear through the symbolism of the huge stretching architectural units, which consists of many floors of units ready to be sold to owners with high finance. This construction boom, in my opinion, is in the complete contrast to my City of Victoria, BC cultural heritage. I myself was not part of this building booming culture in my city. Instead, I would have accommodated and cared for the absolute poor first and the elite financially stable 1% last. The City of Victoria is doing the 100% opposite to my feeling. And I feel it is not right.