Mainstream SciFi is being enriched by the African-American Female point of view. It's awesome Kick-ass, Futuristic Science Fiction and created by a Black Woman.

"It takes an insane and unreasonable belief in yourself in order to make your version of reality possible." Think it....Prove it....Do it!”— Yvette Kendall, Innovator

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, USA, July 22, 2018.

Science Fiction has always been a main attraction for all races of people but generally has been dominated by male, caucasian writers and directors. Just look at the credits of the more popular films like “Star Wars, Aliens and The Matrix” then you’ll see what I mean. Diversity was not the model for filmmakers (typically) in the past, and even more of a rarity when adopting a book or novel into a visual medium.

No…I don’t feel that there is a conspiracy of some sort, I think that-with certain things, it is what it is. Trends can be mindlessly or even subconsciously set and before you know it, a particular genre is type-cast until the cycle is broken. Once people get used to a thing, it quickly migrates into "Tradition"; then its solidifies as an immovable cornerstone that is not easily penetrated. African-Americans have much to offer to what lies in the eons.

In recent years, that’s exactly what has happened. Afrofuturism and Black SciFi has been making major headway in Science Fiction books. What is Afrofuturism you ask? Here is an online definition to get you started: 

"Afrofuturism is a cultural aesthetic, philosophy of science, and philosophy of history that explores the developing intersection of African/African Diaspora culture with technology. It combines elements of science fiction, historical fiction, fantasy, Afrocentrism and magic realism with non-Western cosmologies in order to critique the present-day dilemmas of black people and to interrogate and re-examine historical events."

The movie “Black Panther” is an awesome example of this genre. I would even say that the film gave stellar teachable examples of what can be done with a mashup of Traditional/Primitive and High-Technology. With that said, there seems to be little ground for the African-American author that writes about mainstream SciFi, that has no element of the African Diaspora or Cultural aspects to it. We have something to say about Dark Matter, Red Matter and Time Travel as well. We want in, on the "New-New" of Tech & Science!

I'm currently writing a novel, that will definitely be labeled as mainstream “Science Fiction”. The main characters are from diverse backgrounds that currently live in the U.S. This content just happens to be from a Black Woman, who has created a futuristic concept and storyline that is very inclusive. 

This is my first time writing publicly and writing in this magical space. My novel will also be turned in to a series of Comic Books and Graphic Novels. As a new author, I don’t feel that I should be designated to Afrofuturism or even Black Sci-Fi because I’m melanin-blessed. As mentioned earlier, my character choices represents a melting pot of many colors and reflects the world as it is today and what it will be in the future, because as we know "Optics are everything".

Not to give away too much, but the subject matter that I'm writing about covers several different mediums that we deal with everyday. Life, Death, Religious Ideology paired with new science and technology that ties them all together. This may change the way we think and feel about life and the hereafter forever. Unfortunately, like with all things, when you discover long sought after answers, more questions will come about as well. The big question is....Are you ready?

As I write, I will continue to engage those that are willing to usher in the unknown, and meet that open space with new colorful ideas for our ever changing universe.

Yvette Kendall is a Innovator/Product Developer. Owner of Intellectual Property, Speaker & Advocate for Female Black Inventors.

To book speaking engagements for Ms. Kendall, please email [email protected] or [email protected]

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Yvette Kendall of the FBI Rocks Innovation Organization

Contact Ph: 708-552-0455

Stephen Bruce


6 年

Nice to see other talented Black folks making contributions creatively in sci-fi. ?While not my favorite genre, I think the range of our imagination combined with our grand ethnic and cultural history makes for some pretty awesome material. ?My favorite author is Walter Mosely. ?I love his mysteries best, but his sci-fi short novels have been compelling. ?The first one of his I read is called The Wave. ? My focus is mainly on screenwriting, and LinkedIn is where I most frequently come to establish and maintain contact with other creatives in the film industry. ?One of my passion projects for which I've been brainstorming and jotting ideas for a number of years now is a sci-fi television series featuring a mixed race main character in an alternate universe. ?Further details I'll share another time. ? So, continue doing what you're doing, Yvette! ?We Black creatives need to support each other any way we can!


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