A new set of rules for PCB production
A new set of rules
for PCB production
With VeCS one can achieve much higher inter-
connect density using existing equipment and
processes. He talks of cost reductions associated
with reduced material usage and provides an
interesting illustration of this novel technique.
Apparently one of the most significant new
technologies these days is jet printing solder
mask. You may say, “Inkjet? Not new. Solder-
mask? Not new.” But put them together and the
challenges are huge and the technology is right
on the cutting edge. As such, we bring you sev-
eral articles and interviews on this very subject.
Henk Goossens of Meyer Burger BV in The
Netherlands provides a wonderful introduction
to the thorny subject of direct digital inkjetting
of soldermask. Removing steps like artwork gen-
eration, developing, and waste treatment, and
reducing materials and process time, all equals
to cost savings…of course we want to inkjet.
Henk gives us a great view of the subject from
the equipment perspective.
We have two interviews conducted by Pub-
lisher Barry Matties that explore the mate-
rial/equipment partnership between Taiyo and
Schmoll to develop an inkjet soldermask that
is compatible with the inkjet machine. Dick
Crowe of Burkle (U.S. distributor for Schmoll)
contributed an excellent introduction. The first
interview is with Taiyo’s John Fix, with Walt
Custer of Custer Consulting, contributing. The
second is an interview with Schmoll’s Thomas
Kunz, who discusses not just the partnership but
the technology, working with OEMs, and more.
Barry Matties and Pete Starkey bring us an
interview with Agfa’s Frank Louwet, who ex-
plains Agfa’s partnerhsip with Electro Polymers
to develop a nanoparticle ink. One can learn a
great deal about the soldermask inks and the
inkjet process from these interviews.
EIPC’s Alun Morgan gives us a great report
on their recent workshop on PCB BioMEMS—
aka PCB-on-a-chip. With a CAGR of greater
than 25%, BioMEMS devices are a definite mar-
ket of interest. This detailed article provides a
wealth of information on the subject and cer-
tainly should be required reading for anyone
involved in PCB fabrication.
Steve Williams of Right Approach Consult-
ing takes us far away from soldermask to a look
at the new Trump administration and what its
promises may mean to our industry and busi-
ness in general. He even includes a “Top Ten”
on deregulation. Read on!
Back to some technical content with Mi-
chael Carano, of RBP Chemical Technology, as
he delves into the metallizing difficult-to-plate
substrates, in this case with electroless copper.
Mike always includes some troubleshooting info
as well as much practical advice in his columns.
Next, NTI’s Keith Sellers discusses various
test methods to ensure that your incoming (or
outgoing) PCBs perform as intended and that
you “get what you pay for.” He proceeds from
the basic incoming inspection through more
in-depth analysis involving cross-sections, ther-
mal stress testing and more, including some ad-
ditional ones to determine basic laminate prop-
erties and suitability for the job at hand.
And finally, in his usual inimitable fashion
is Barry Lee Cohen of Launch Communications.
Each month Barry provides another piece to the
marketing communications puzzle. This time
his subject is e-newsletters and always worth a
read, not to mention a commitment to follow-
And so you have it—our line-up for Feb-
ruary. Lots of good new tech stuff to keep the
wheels turning upstairs, plus some immediate
things you can put into practice today or tomor-
row at the latest. Next month our subject is “The
Wide World of Flex.” Do tune in and read about
all things flex—from the various types to the
materials to the processing of same. We prom-
ise another issue of cover-to-cover value. If you
haven’t yet subscribed, do so right now and be
one of the first to get it in your e-mailbox. PCB