New Series - "Things To Consider" ("T2C")
Nan O'Brien
Partner at FAN Entertainment and Media, LLC; writer; speaker; radio personality; voiceover talent
To prevent the fallout for everyone from a "hot" Facebook post like Sunday, but to also offer source-cited information about the upcoming election that may be helpful for you to consider as you decide for whom to vote, I would like to announce the creation of a specific titled series of posts I am calling, "Things To Consider" or, "T2C."
Here's how it will work. At the beginning of a "T2C" post, I will place an "alert" that what follows is source-cited information that may be relevant to you. I WILL DELETE ANY COMMENTS to these particular posts, as the intent is to inform, but do feel free to post an icon or share the posts.
My intent is to honor my commitment to scour the news cycles for information that is relevant to you, for your consideration.
The first T2C post follows (remember - NO COMMENTS, icons and sharing are ok):
"If you take the blue states out, we’re at a [death] level [from COVID] that I don’t think anybody in the world would be at. We’re really at a very low level. But some of the states, they were blue states and blue state-managed." - President Donald Trump at a press conference in the James Brady Press Briefing Room of the White House on Sept. 16, 2020, in Washington.
"I have instructed my representatives to stop negotiating [a pandemic stimulus bill] until after the election when, immediately after I win, we will pass a major Stimulus Bill that focuses on hardworking Americans and Small Business" - Trump tweet today.
The Trump Administration has decided not to contact trace the attendees at the Rose Garden Reception for US Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett which appears to be a "super spreader event," with 14 attendees as of today - up from 8 yesterday - have tested positive for COVID:
Facebook has removed President Trump's post that compared COVID-19 to the flu for being incorrect. Twitter left the post up, but flagged it with the notice that the tweet is, "spreading misleading and potentially harmful information."
Please vote your conscience.