New Season, New Levels, New Goals for African fashion businesses
Africa Fashion Guide
Equipping Designers and creative entrepreneurs with information on Africa's supply chain to create fashion businesses
I just love August but even more I love September.
You know that new season vibe, rolling into fashion weeks and obsessing over all the trends for next year and getting inspired for your own collections.
Then there’s the fact that it’s that cozy up autumnal into winter season that ie coming, and your cue ?to pull out that super chunky long to the ground knitted cardigan you hunted all the stores to find because it had to be MORE chunky knit and ALL THE WAY to the ground and REAL wool not some cheesy acrylic flimsy cardie??that all the TikTok influencers are selling. yep that season.
But unfortunately I know for many African fashion entrepreneurs it’s just a reminder that the year is soon over and what they have not yet achieved.
And rather than cuddling up by the fireplace and getting excited for the weeks ahead until New Year’s Eve, it’s all fret about not selling, wanting to sell but not knowing HOW to sell, HOW to launch, and how to put out content.
I believe this is the final hurrah and you COULD?truly surprise yourself… with a few insights tips and guidance to get you there..
I’m sitting at my desk in my home office writing todays newsletter and looking at my calendar of events upcoming on my white board. And my friend imma tell ya … I am going IN but want to bring you on this journey with me.
This September Fashion month I’ve curated and will be moderating and hosting a fashion retail in person event.
I am finishing off the plans for two exciting black history month events for this October.
November I’m planning not only one more business event BUT ALSO heading back out to Africa to meet a client I’m consulting for and some new potential clients.
I’m equally hosting monthly in person trainings in central london for African fashion startups, whilst also launching my subscription program again this year and I have 100 days of content planned to end the year with new leads, with email list growth and ultimately with more sales,
I also have goals set for projects I am doing such as my upcoming books, plus big money sales goals too.
So as this season is about to approach us i feel it’s time we got back together for three days to dive deep and truly smash those 2023 goals.
Who’s in? Details about our three days together shared shortly so keep an eye out for me
In the mean time if you are Brave Enough to Accept The Challenge, then do comment below and let me know just ONE big business or sales goal you want to achieve
See you on the best side.
Your coach in your corner
Jacqueline Shaw
Your African Fashion Business Coach
Founding Director - Africa Fashion Guide Ltd