New Scientist - The Healing Sound of Silence. 13.08.22
New Scientist front cover 3 August 2022

New Scientist - The Healing Sound of Silence. 13.08.22

The following contains the key points of a typically excellent article from the most recent New Scientist magazine, always worth reading and I'd recommend people subscribe to it.

This article confirms everything I have experienced in my more than twenty years practice of mindfulness with regards to the developmental and beneficial qualities of devoting lots of short periods of time each day to quietness or near silence. Although I note the main findings below I do recommend you buy the magazine and read the whole article.


The World Health Organisation says that our world is too noisy and that this is harming our health.

When exposed to excessive noise over the long-term, physiological responses to noise - blood pressure goes up, muscles tense, our body releases stress hormones - can lead to anxiety, depression, or cardiovascular disease.

At least one in five people are exposed to levels of noise considered harmful to health.

The ability to focus on breath or heartbeat helps people more easily reach a relaxed or meditative state. Meditation has a host of known health benefits, including reducing stress, promoting a sense of greater wellbeing and offering relief from chronic pain.

When we find ways to be quiet we are not only quiet outside but quiet in our inner selves.

People should approach silence gradually to develop the benefits.

Intention is important in order to get the most benefits. So prime the mind to want the quiet, the silence, the peace of mind.

All different types of silence researched led to improved mood and increased relaxation. The best results were periods of silence in nature combined with a guided practice.

We benefit any time we quieten things down, even for less than ten minutes. Lots of little experiences is better than occasional long ones.

POSTSCRIPT: You can experience guided practices in quietness or near silence totally for free either online or at a live face-to-face class. Search for Martin Stepek on Youtube, visit our Facebook page Martin Stepek's Ten for Zen | Facebook where there are almost a thousand free sessions including hundreds of recorded mindful walks to follow from your living room or office, or come along to one of my free Tuesday 7-8pm classes in Hamilton/High Blantyre at the University of the West of Scotland Lanarkshire campus. For more details or a chat email me at [email protected]


