The New Science & Direct Experience Merge - Perhaps
Zen Benefiel
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Grant Cameron posted a sentence from and image of the introduction to the book, The New Science, by Wilbert Smith. Wilbert ran the Canadian UFO investigations for some years during the early 1950s and was a brilliant thinker even as a teen. Wilbert claimed to have direct communication with some 'space people' and sought to relay the information in a very scientific/mathematical way in his book. He's truly a new millennial wordSmith.
I was immediately hooked and was flooded with dots connecting and imagery from past experiences that his writings evoked without even a thought as I was reading. Honestly, it was a bit overwhelming as it corroborated an understanding I've had and not known how to express it in such detail. My attempts at stepping back from my subjective experiences and viewing them objectively through critical thinking and science-based lenses have allowed me to write extensively, with attending cathartic moments, though I've never been 'turned on' like this.
When I read and have moments like I described above, there's a trigger to write some kind of comparison intending corroboration of the material and adding a perspective, albeit subjective, in a way to further my own ability to articulate and perhaps even share something of value. In that triggering, the dots among the dashes of reading, I made a few posts to a Facebook group I frequent now called The Contact Modalities - CCRI, Consciousness & Contact Research Institute.
"Whatever might be the origin of this Universe, of one thing we can be reasonable sure, that it is within "nothing at all". If it "started", then it must have started from nothing at all. It always was, this it has nothing at all around it. Whatever there might be beyond this "nothing at all" we have no way of knowing for we are within it and of this Universe and have no concept beyond it."
In college I had two years of very interesting explorations, starting with an NDE in '75 on Tuesday afternoon, 11.11, the same week that Travis had his event. I experience the 'Light' (feeling like I ascended) as an individuated consciousness with the sense of being connected to All That Is,' accompanied by a sense of 'everything' for lack of a better framing.
I don't remember exactly when the opposite occurred, the Void, although it wasn't too much later. When I entered it (feeling like I descended) I felt the same individuated consciousness connected to 'All That Is,' yet was nothing at all. The same sense was undeniable, yet in a completely different realm. The 'nothing at all' mention above prompted the reflection. Resolving the same experience in two apparently opposite realms (Light and Dark) has been a personal quest for decades.
Yes and...
In 1983 I wrote on a piece of paper, burned and buried, with intention, the words 'but,' 'if,' 'can't,' and 'impossible' in a ceremony with James Tolleson for his Empire Builders network marketing weekend workshop just outside Casa Grande, AZ. In studying the use of the word it became clear that if often subjugates and dismisses a previous statement. It just made sense not to be dismissive of my own or others' contributions to a conversation. It's an awareness rarely engaged.
Perhaps Smith's idea of infinity and zero being our mathematical limits fits with the Light and Void (Dark), Everything and Nothing. It seems to echo what I've been pondering for the last month or so about negentropy being the natural order within us that simply needs to emerge in the outer world in defiance of modern physics limitations. Smith's right in his assertion that we focus on anomalies and try to do the math to verify their existence instead of looking at them as aberrant and doing the math that actually resolves to unity.
"Since we have no senses by which we can become directly aware of the various fields we will have to depend on the second hand data made available through our instruments, and here we must be extremely careful to distinguish between the phenomenon itself and the effects of the phenomenon on the instruments. Also, we must be particularly careful in posing our questions to nature that they ask exactly what we want to find out and are not ambiguous."
Here's where I believe this group comes in - experiencers. In The New Science, Smith states, "we have no senses by which we can become directly aware..." I disagreed at first, though that's what we're in process of learning... our senses. It's all about the questions. We have a sensory array beyond our imagination, currently, it seems. The key critical thinking skills are: analysis, interpretation, inference, explanation, self-regulation, open-mindedness, and problem-solving allow us to develop those senses appropriate and with balance.
Smith meets Neo
Wow, this is an amazing book and I wouldn't have understood a word earlier in life. Now, most if it explains an ineffable sense of coherence I've been experiencing at certain moments throughout life. I feel like Neo, learning how to engage the matrix fearlessly. Every deep and lasting impression, realization and eventual partial understanding has come from an invitation and a fearless response to go wherever the invitation takes me.
There have been multiple, perhaps dozens, where I've had to once again address the fear of death; of the release of consciousness into nothing. Of course, that actually never occurs, though we feel like it during extremely intense moments that question our deepest understanding or when we're in a situation completely out of our control, or so we think.
Here's another excerpt:
"Picturesquely, it would look like a string of magnetic doughnuts of alternating magnetic direction, stuck together with electrostatic icing of alternating polarity, and all threaded into a string of increased tempic field and placed inside a tube of decreased tempic field. A most complicated picture, but one which does exist in this universe and has some most remarkable properties. For lack of a better name it is called "tensor energy"."
This description is the first time I've read anything that describes several experiences I've had, which I've called 'space-time tubes' in the past. I'm not sure exactly 'where' it was, though. The graphic is a poor, but available representation, only consider the geometry in varied shades of light with a tinge of gray. These were 'stacked' and uniform with what seemed like thousands passing by on my journey from one point to another; all beginning with a question and a comparison (in my thinking) of 'modern' understanding and my own version of understanding.
As an experimenter and explorer there is always an aspect of critical thinking applied, accompanied by questions that seek further clarity on vague understanding, if there is any. I was 26 at the time. Unfortunately I don't remember the specific questions at present, though they were framed with the theme of questing for truth, my relationship to it and how to further embody it. My questions were mostly framed around Scripture.
I do remember the questions were structured with a, 'Is .... so? Or, is it really....? It had only been a few years since my NDE in college and I was still questioning the reality of the "voice's" message for me. With the latter response being something I thought I'd learned in contrast to current belief systems, I'd catapult down the tube until I stopped, posited something else, and then would go off in a different direction.
It was so profound. I'd looked at the clock just before I closed my eyes, not thinking I'd go anywhere, 1:00 am exactly. When I returned, in what felt like only five minutes, I opened my eyes and turned to look at the clock again. Exactly one hour later. I was so disturbed that I got up and opened the Bible by our bedside to do some 'automatic' reading. The reading disturbed me even more, causing me to wake my wife and tell her I thought I might be the Devil. I felt the knowledge I'd gained was somehow evil. Silly, I know, but imagine a 26 year old given that kind of information on the fly.
We'd moved from Indiana the year prior and I was working as a grinder specialist for an aerospace company, dealing with ten-thousandths of an inch tolerances daily. I was married with two adorable daughters, aged 2 and 4. We didn't attend church, though we certainly tried to live 'Christian' lives at the time. I hadn't pursued any inner studies or read any spiritual books since college. That all changed in a matter of months.
Is Consciousness Revealing Itself?
I'm in the second half of the book now, communications from 'space people' that was restructured a bit to make sense and follow some order of logic. This is another real gem and relevant to experiencers in particular, in my opinion. This New Science is invigorating! I was impressed to look up its publishing date; 1964, the year I started having out-of-body experiences in preparation for the journeys to the orange cigar-shaped cloud the following year. It took 57 years to get to me. I was born in 57. huh...
"Three things are necessary to understanding, that is for data to have meaning. First, the data must actually reach the recipient accurately, and this is not nearly as easy as it looks. It must reach him either through his physical senses, or through direct mind contact, both of which are subject to distortions. Second, the recipient must be coded to receive the information. That is, each bit of information must be significant to him; it must have its own meaning in its own right. Third, the recipient must be able to process the data, which is the fitting of it together until it becomes an integrated whole, which is meaningful and self-consistent. To these three major steps may be added a fourth, which is essentially the cross-checking of meaning with others who have been exposed to the same data."
Now we're getting somewhere and his assertions echo best practices that I know in communication and facilitating the pre-construction workshops I've done for a couple of decades now. There is a practical and pragmatic element Smith addresses. We all know it, or at least I think we do, yet do we practice it in our own subjective experiences?
It's been my concern that regressions are always secondary processing sequences that are prone to confabulation and misinterpretation of data that is reviewed instead of experienced. I'm a hypnotherapist and it concerns me enough to question the level of detachment to any agenda when in session with others. Question cannot be leading in any way, even with an unspoken intention of drawing out specific information. People who tend to believe they're dealing with an abduction will ask leading questions. It may not be an abduction at all.
Back to the topic and things that bring us together naturally. Several months ago I crafted a brief video with the intention of adding to the flow of connecting ideas and material that seems to make sense common. I frame the idea of the soul being a point of light within us that is still connected to the Great Light from which we come. It's brief. Give it a watch, please. See if it rings true for you.
Spin Doctoring
"We have had a superficial look at the behaviors of a single spin center and a peek at a multiplicity of spin centers. We know that our matter is made up of enormous numbers of spin centers, some of which are relatively quite close together, so let us now see what happens when there are a great many to consider.
In the first place, all the spin centers could be lined up; that is, their spin vectors could all be pointing in the same direction. In this case we would say that such matter is "polarized", and we would expect different properties than from unpolarized matter in which the spin vectors were randomly oriented.
It may be readily appreciated that at any point the effect of the summation of each of the fields due to each individual spin will depend on (a) the relative distance from the reference point to each spin center, and (b) the relative orientation of the spin centers with respect to one another. This consideration is apart from any "background" field that may be present."
Reading the above brought back some considerations I'd pondered about the TAO, or rather it's symbol. It was just after watching Contact the first time and it made me question a lot of our symbols from another dimension, like the primer somehow.
In doing so it appeared that, perhaps, the light pulsing through the DNA helix was the intended representation, off and on, much like I considered the 'number of man' to be the carbon atom. There's got to be some kind of science in everything, even if we may not understanding it completely, or sometimes at all. The off and on creates the spin that Smith references, perhaps? Did we forget the wash cycle?
Drilling down the TAO, the continued consideration led to questioning what connects everything on an atomic level. What's the most prevalent element in the known universe? Hydrogen. What is the bonding agent for our DNA? Hydrogen. What gives us 'light' to our physical eyes, mostly hydrogen with a little helium mixed in to keep it light.
So, elementally and perhaps with reasonable logic, our unity consciousness in the physical world begins with hydrogen. It's scalar and vector aspects of spin is vast and microscopic simultaneously. There is perfect natural order.
Is there also a perfect natural order in the non-physical dimensions that is known to those that inhabit them? Could it be that, like Neppe and Close posit, consciousness, space and time are tethered across dimensions naturally? "Neppe and Close?" you might ask. Here's a link to their work, called the TDVP.