A New Sales Bar: Presenting to a Chief of Staff
Thomas J. Pingitore
A Few years back I had the lucky, and that's all it was, lucky, right place, right time, right people, the stars aligned and I had to make a decision if I wanted to present to a Chief of Staff in Washington for the VA. I had about 20 seconds to decide because they will filling the spot. I was asked by an old contact who said "the other vendor had to cancel and there is a spot open, do you want to present to John Gingrich, you will have 25 minutes with 5 min Q/A?" I have to admit I hesitated for about 5 seconds, thought in that short time, this is a new bar for your career you have to do it so I said, "yes, I will do it, how long do I have to prepare?" "You have 8 days." I said "Ok, meet you on Vermont Ave at 9am to dry run review thru it."
So now what?
I got down there, setup the presentation, had some conversation for a minute or two with him (very nice, humble, made a joke they let college kids in who are good presenters?) Whole room laughed including me, and the room was loose. Here we go... Did what I knew, which is ask some key questions before we got started and set the tone for the 25 minutes what they could expect from me. I looked right at him and said, "With respect to you and your team, how do you handle follow up if everything here is in line because we think it will be and I know you have to move on this we were told?" I wasn't kidding and he knew it right there. They said, there is a process and each presenter is given instructions following the meeting. I had to ask that because I knew others wouldn't and it was a non-evasive way of saying we are the best choice and needed to let them know that without saying it.
So as I finished going thru where we would be of assistance to them, I mentioned some challenges too, and said with this process you will experience challenges with every partner, here are all of them from us, and from others. I am here to help you thru this process no matter who you choose. Of course we want the opportunity but you are in a position where you need to move quick. This is the price range, this is the process, this is your part, this is what we will do, and we will finish in this time frame. Is that in line with your expectations? Down to 2 minutes left before Q/A. They said yes, and wanted to move on this whoever they choose.
My final question was, when you think about some of your best partners, what have they done and how do you define a true valued partner? They said "honesty meaning full transparency, experts, manage expectations correctly, and keep on schedule no matter what efforts have to be put in with no excuses." That is all I needed to here. I asked them "how did the presentation go?" they said thank you, it went well and we appreciate you getting us everything we needed in such a short time frame. Big Sigh of relief. With what you have seen, where do we stand to make the final 2? "We like what we see, we will discuss and let you know." Great! And time was up! He waved as he was escorted out by 2 armed guards and 2 suited individuals and that was that.
So what happens after something like this occurs and how did I prepare for something like this? Gratitude and research, that's how. Anticipating questions, and putting the answers in the presentation; nothing special, nothing fancy, straight to the point. The guy ran 163 VA facilities and reported to the President of the United States of America, he really didn't have time for bullshit.
- Gratitude is a natural cure of any fears or anxiety right before you are about to do something that has major consequences. When you remind yourself what you have, the anxiety and any fears go away. It's impossible to be intimidated when you are grateful. I literally listed out in my head everything I am thankful and grateful for including this opportunity and then I went in. Clear head, smile and go!
- When something like this happens a natural new mental bar is set so never say no to it. You feel like you can talk to anybody, not that you may not normally but its definitely an ego explosion I had to control. You definitely feel like you belong humbly in any room. I could not let it go to my head though. I just remember coming home that night and saying, I just presented to the Chief of Staff in Washington DC, pretty awesome. Ok, what do I have to do for the rest of the week...
- It adds credibility to your career so make sure you take all opportunities to grow because it only helps you. I remember being asked about key experiences in my life in future interviews, on panels, in meetings, etc, and this was a story I could abbreviate quickly and equally be proud of.
The project was cancelled all together thru that channel due to cutbacks and everyone that was eligible to apply for the set aside program allotment was told to do so quickly. We had to apply for this program which is a 7% government budget going to Service Disabled Veteran Owned Business' and Minority Owned Business'. I left the organization a few months after with a test being awarded to us which I can say was a half win. The experience was exciting but make no mistake I wanted that deal; the whole deal past just a test. It was something I will never forget.
What is your key sales moment in your life that set a new bar? I call it your Chief Moment in your career. Due share...
Continued Success in your career and your life! -TJP
PS: If you would like to offer some feedback to help student America, feel free to offer answers to these 3 questions: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/YourAdviceToStudents