A New Roadmap for Collaboration
Originally published March 18, 2017
[Here for the Roadmap? Download it here.]
On a rainy spring day last April, I was sitting at my desk having an intense phone conversation with a frustrated young woman. She had been working for months to organize a collective impact initiative in her community, and still didn’t know what specific steps she should be taking to lead that work.
“We’ve gotten training in collective impact, design thinking, and these other approaches,” she said, “but we still don’t understand HOW to organize and lead this initiative. It just seems like it’s all theory and no one has a practical roadmap to help guide this kind of work.”
That conversation–and several others like it–prompted a mini research project at CoCreative. Maren, our human insight lead, interviewed more folks leading collaborations and heard much the same theme: lots of theory and models, few practical tools to guide the work, and a LOT of frustration.
So we set out to do something about that; we decided to design a roadmap showing the specific stages and steps in the Collaborative Innovation approach.
Well, that turned out to be really hard to do. As we tried to map those stages and steps, we constantly felt like we are cramming lots of dynamic, evolutionary processes into a straightjacketed, linear process. I even questioned (many times) whether we were giving people what they wanted but not what they needed, which was a recognition that you need to shepherd the emergent intent, analysis, and strategy (however long that takes and however difficult it may be) NOT simply walk network participants through the steps of a process.
But we continued to iterate, test and refine our map, and we learned our way into it. We realized, for example, that we could show BOTH the linear process AND the dynamics that show up along the way. We discovered that by using transparent overlays on the map (the coolest feature in my mind), we can also show the specific work products created along the way and the conditions that indicate that it’s time for the network to move to the next step. We also realized that:
And we're still learning, so we'd love your thoughts and feedback as you consider what we've created here. Please let us know!
After many iterations, we are pleased to present our new Collaborative Innovation Roadmap, also available as a printable PDF that shows each overlay as a separate slide.
CoCreative Collaborative Innovation Roadmap
Basic Roadmap
The base map shows the key stages and steps of the Collaborative Innovation process, from defining a clear intent to scaling solutions.
Success Factors Overlay
This overlay adds the key success factors at each step that your initiative should achieve before moving to the next step. For example, if you haven't drafted at least a rough working goal that is big, specific, meaningful and timebound, then choosing a design team might be premature.
Patterns Overlay
This overlay shows the common patterns or dynamics that tend to show up along the way, such as when certain tensions are likely to show up, so that you can address them proactively.
Work Products Overlay
This final overlay shows some of the most common work products that are created to support the work along the way, such as an interview guide for leaders to use when interviewing stakeholders of the work.
To get a closer look, download a PDF of the map.