New results of studies of the drug Rezovet

The Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine in March 2022 conducted a study to determine the qualitative indicators of poultry meat when using the veterinary drug "Rezovet""

The biological value of the meat, liver and kidneys of the chickens of the experimental group was 107.5%, 107.7% and 106.1% in relation to the meat of the chickens of the control group, respectively.

The drug "Rezovet" is used to treat poultry with bacterial infections of hemophilosis, colibacillosis, mycoplasmosis, pasteurellosis, necrotic enteritis, pullorosis, salmonellosis.

In meat, the content of polypeptides and other protein breakdown products was determined - by reaction with copper sulfate, the concentration of hydrogen ions (pH), the amount of aminoammian nitrogen and volatile fatty acids.

The biological value and harmlessness of the meat, liver and kidneys of the bird, which were in the experiment, were investigated using tetrachimene-pyriformis infusoria.

Research results.

  • Upon external examination of the carcasses of chickens of the experimental and control groups, no visible pathological changes were detected. The carcasses are well bloodless, without the presence of hemorrhages. Meat has a smell characteristic of chicken, pectoral muscles - white, on the legs - pale pink, elastic.
  • When tested by boiling, the broth of meat in all samples is transparent, aromatic, without foreign odors. Meat during tasting is tender, juicy, aromatic, did not have unusual chicken flavors.
  • In smears-imprints from the deep layers of muscles, microscopy does not detect microflora.
  • Reliable differences between the indicators of meat and fat of the experimental and control groups were not established and did not exceed the level of indicators characteristic of benign, fresh meat and fat of the highest grade,
  • In experiments to determine the harmlessness and biological value of meat, liver and kidneys of an experimental
  • bird on the infusoria of tetrachimene-pyriformis, no harmful effects on the simplest test organisms were revealed. Altered forms of infusoria in the prototypes and control samples of meat, liver and kidneys were absent.


  1. The meat and fat of chickens that received the drug "Rezovet" for organoleptic, physicochemical and sanitary indicators are benign.
  2. The relative biological value of meat, liver and kidneys of chickens of the experimental group was 107.5%, 107.7% and 106.1% in relation to the meat of the chickens of the control group, respectively.?


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