Today we are all afraid; afraid for our health, afraid for our livelihoods, afraid for the future.

Reactions for these fears are all around us. We see rampant blame in the 24 hour news cycle for the virus and circumstances surrounding various positions around our responses to the pandemic gripping the country. Our daily environment is overcome with cries of mistreatment, the need for repayment of historical wrongs, predictions of doom if one position is favored over another at the ballot box, and just plain complaints of what is wrong with our society.

People are sick today, really sick. People are dying today and that is a fact. People are losing their jobs or have already lost their jobs. People are worried about where the next quart of milk or the next loaf of bread comes from for their children's next meal. People are worried for their next rent check or mortgage payment. Indeed some people are worried if they will even be alive 24 hours from now.

These are the real challenges facing real people today.

Why can't we do as the slogan says "we're all in this together!"

We need to demand leadership from our leaders at every level that focuses on real people's problems and worries. We need to get real news from the 24 hour news cycle and not the brazen position biased reporting and complaining that occupies all networks today. We need to work together constructively and get real long lasting change that betters us all.

We have a system of laws in this country and if we don't like something, then we change the law to be better and more fair.

We don't riot and call it peaceful demonstration believing that violence will lead to the peaceful discourse necessary to bring attention to an issue.

If our rights are violated or perpetrated by our officers of the law sworn to protect and serve, then bring change, massive change if required, and prosecute to the maximum extent of the law and cut out those who would use their authority to bully and punish our citizens.

We are all human beings, needing each other and the respect for our dignity. We have the power to make change and improvement where necessary. We have the power NOT to be influenced by leaders who seek to profit themselves instead of serving those for whom they represent. We have the power to demand unbiased and accurate news that is objective and not deliberately aimed at creating and facilitating division and anger.

We are the new reality and let us not give this up to the negative influencers in our society and daily lives.

Let us instead respect each other and work together! Let us allow for the spirit of human dignity to guide our actions so we can really act together for the common good of everyone! Let the saying "we're all in this together" really mean something we and our children can see, feel, and be proud of going forward!


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