Is the new R?DE NTG5 great for VO?
Andrew Peters
Voice over artist, represented Scout Management Sydney, Stewart Talent NYC and co-host of The Pro Audio Suite podcast
Firstly a disclaimer, R?DE Microphones did give me this mic to test and keep, but that aside this is a great mic, especially for voice over.
What is it that makes the NTG5 so good for voiceover? It sounds so close to a 416 its not funny. I recorded a voice sample with my trusty 416 and the same read with the NTG5, apart for the output of the 416 being lower they were so close. I cut a mix of both mics jumping from one to the other after boosting the 416 level to match and it's almost impossible to pick. Not trusting my own, non-audio engineering ears, I sent the file off to a few I trust. The result, they couldn't pick where the edits were, in fact the next day neither could I.
The other plusses are; it comes with a bunch of extras, some not overly relevant to voice over but handy, it's about 3/4 the size of your standard shotgun mic, very light, built extremely well and it's also half the price!
I also have the NTG3 for my teenage daughter, it's perfect for her voice overs as it adds some warmth to a lighter voice.