New Quarter! New Season! New You! Six Productivity Tips for your higher self! ~Ashley Moses

New Quarter! New Season! New You! Six Productivity Tips for your higher self! ~Ashley Moses

You can't reap and sow all in the same season! Isn't that juicy! What about those mundane everyday goals that get in the way, they intrude our minds, make us feel guilty when we don't live up to these commitments day in and day out!

I cringe when I hear the term goals! Makes me feel bored and unfinished! Makes me think I have some long list of dreadful chores to do in my life just to get to a point of some accomplishment. Then there is opposition! Us humans like to live too far in our past or too far into the future.

Productivity is like an addiction! I want you to take a moment and think about the void you feel when you are in productivity mode. Every day we have the perfect opportunity to rebirth, reinvent, revisit, revise, and rejuvenate ourselves. We wake up everyday convinced that we need to prove ourselves, we need to somehow validate our existence with some task, work, or project.

We are injected with messages that we are not loved for who we are but, that we are only loved, praised, and valued for what we do. Most of us are sacrificing our current happiness for the sake of the promise of some future happiness. When what we do matters tremendously we lose complete focus of our wellbeing. We go into auto-pilot mode! Then we jump straight onto the productive train, on our way to complete burn-out!

Inspiration is the result of living a life of experience through intention. We all have a limited time here of seasons. Productivity thrives through creative vines! The fruits of our labor take no effort to come into fruition when we operate through inspired themes of our lives. Manifestation is the by product of being in season with yourself through the flow of creation.

The next best version of yourself can come from a space of synergy, harmony, passion. Living in a state of lack has no authority to attract the abundance you you deserve.

Productivity Tips for the Higher Self

  • Think bigger than yourself! Shine your light on the intrinsic value that ignites your soul. It's the magic you feel when you are doing the things you love and you are surrounded by the people, places, and things that are an extension of your co creative insights.
  • Take your eyes off the distance! If you are feeling defeated in reaching your goals you are up against parts of yourself that you deny, reject, and disown. Fragmentation within fuels procrastination. These sabotaging behaviors hang out in the internal walls of our core and keep us hostage living in fear of the unknown. Focus on the alignment of where you are now in your life, give yourself credit for all that you have done up to this point, and take time to shine a light on all the things you relegate inside and hide from. You must surrender to move forward!
  • Stop waiting to make it happen! The most productive people in the world understand the value of immediacy. You may think you need these perfect conditions or a certain set of circumstances to to jump in but, you don't! If you are creating your own reality, why would you want to sit around waiting for external conditions to give you the green light.
  • Co- create new themes with yourself versus goals!- See your project as this new found theme where you are becoming a subject matter expert, you are the building foundation of this new path, new development, you are bringing it to fruition! Without you it would not exist! Reward yourself every step of the way while you are reaping and sowing.
  • Honor your time! - You are valuable and your time is limited. Check in with yourself. "Am I living this moment intentionally?" This question is a demonstration of appreciation for life itself. You are simply saying, I honor myself and I am committed to this life to the degree that I will devour my gifts, talents, skills, I am endowed with and exalt my hours here on earth to their highest potential. I will use my most precious time meticulously!
  • Look at your blue-prints! - Most people think they have to be, do, and think in some specific order in life. Watch closely how this can make you a neurotic person. Pay attention how it effects your cycles and seasons as you grow everyday. You are going through a funnel of experiences designed just for you to move into your assignments with the people, places, and things who are in alignment with you. Let's face the brutal facts! We are living the human experience! Your assignments change on the daily. The trajectory of life is unknown. It's okay to love yourself through the seasons of change! ~Ashley Moses


