New Quality a Game changer.
Babylon Tower Collapsed, Roman Emperor collapsed, and many more historical monuments collapsed, it is the nature of history/nature of the world, old must vanish and the new emerges to establish justice to the world. And the time has come to remove the existing Blind systems that governs and controls the quality management systems in manufacturing industries, such as ISO 9001, SPC and the biproducts of Statistical tools and techniques. Let the CEOs and the management speak out, what the ISO 9001 and SPC did to your organization? Don’t feel shy about telling the truth, we know that it is not a productive tool and techniques, they worked for their own benefits not yours.
As the dawn of New Year burst opens, let that be the beginning of a NEW era, use of brand-new technology – Industrial Statistics and Transformational Quality Management System. You are the business owner, you know what should happen in your business, Not someone from other country (ISO 9001) to tell you what to do and how to do, they have learned your weakness and came up with a solution, ISO 9001, their intention is to make money for them, same goes with the SPC (Statistical Process Control) system, why to spend your time and money to have someone without any knowledge (ISO auditors) of product and processes come and audit your system and give a worthless certification, does that has any value at all? Look at all the manufacturers got their ISO certification and full blown SPC, Six Sigma and many more of the SPC family of tools and techniques in place and still they make bad products, let their history of Product Recalls tells you the story, does it worth it?
I am not blaming anyone, blame game would not solve the problem, but to tell you the truth what is happening in our manufacturing industries and offer you straightforward answer or solution on how to eradicate the problems.
If you like it or not, time has come to renew the charter of our organization's quality philosophy. When the customers are demanding 100% quality products, they mean it, they are sick and tired of the statistical yield of 1 Sigma, 2 Sigma and 3 Sigma etc. When people were ignorant, they would buy anything, now time has changed, they can see the quality product better than the quality management those who are created the products.