A New Prohibition Era (Part I)
Venice Gerald
Information Systems Manager- Technical Manager-IT Consultant (MIS) Specialized Degree Programs
Project 2025 is a clear and concise path to new prohibitions of the twenty-first century Wartime Prohibition Act. The attack on USAID is a prohibition on Climate Change Act. Project 2025 if not dismantle is predestined to become the initiator of the Death of a Nation. The cloning of Klangsmen and the order of occult as seen in a contemporary presidential setting. Project 2025 is the forerunner of the American Revolution. The War of the Americanas and this includes Mexico. This war will trigger support and the advancement of Canada's influence to reform social change with leverage and the stronghold of bordering states.
Revolutionary phases and stages of war and the brinkmanship of religious practice to jelly spread political influence on molded bread is no longer the political influence of bread and butter. Sustainable air and the quality of uncontaminated water extending beyond rural districts and urban growth. Revolutionary tactic of organized crime and political corruption is broadcasted, televised, streamed, and uploading into mass conversations. The viral war on the United States Constitution article section and clause is under attack by Oligarchs in the Asia, Europe, South America and North America.
Project 2025 birthplace resides in multiple place the birth cord was severed on a global platform. The image appeared simultaneously in AI dark clouds and gloomy domains. Millions of Americans are blinded on the screens of devices and have fallen on deaf ears to engage in political discussions to stop and block the inventions of Canada, Greenland, and Panama from becoming the new charters of political interest. Upon successful invasion of these countries. The direct interest of Russia is very much in need of sublaminar bands to support and correct Russia's irregular and crippling spineless economy on broken tables.
to be continued