New Program Prepares People for Entry-Level Employment
Oceanside Chamber of Commerce
Our Mission: To Provide Advocacy & Resources That Help Businesses and Our Community Thrive.
In response to the problems many of our members are having with hiring, we are offering members and partners a new tool to find those hard-to-find candidates.?
Our chamber is working with a coalition of North County business organizations to provide online, on-demand basic skills training to better prepare the workforce for employment for general office administration, manufacturing, and the food and hospitality industries. The program is designed for community members who are brand-new to the workforce, have been out of the workforce for a while and need ‘up-skilling,’ have struggled to find work or even land an interview, or who are experiencing other barriers to employment.?
Your candidates who complete the basic skills training (15-20 hours) at one of our local libraries, partner site, or at home are guaranteed at least one entry-level job interview with a local employer like you. Potential talent may also receive in-person interview practice and resume writing services through one of our partners prior to meeting with you.
By November 10th when the coalition will launch the ‘Room,’ employers can register to participate in our job-readiness network at? connect with trained and certified talent for interviews. Interviews can take place at your place of business or can be booked through Victoria Carlborg at the chamber as a micro-hiring event for a small room reservation fee.?
List and view open positions and resumes on
And we invite you to check out our coalition’s SOCAL career video project that showcases some of our North County employers in the manufacturing and food and hospitality industries as well as administrative roles at? All of these companies are hiring now and are also interested in preparing students and transitioning adults for employment at their companies and organizations.