New Product Idea: 30 habits in 30 days
I’m looking for volunteers to signup to a new companion to The Quiet Achiever book I’m trialling starting 4Nov2024.?
One of The Quiet Achiever book’s core tenets for real change to happen is practice. However, trying something new is hard, even when you know it’s good for you.
So I’ve been thinking about a companion for the book to help with practice:?30 habits in 30 days.
This is what I have so far:
The germ of the idea is to give people structure and a daily cadence to do one habit every day for a month.
It sounds good on paper, but I won’t really know if it works until people try it out.
?? That’s where you come in. I’m looking for 10 volunteers to try out this idea for free
Starting 4 Nov 2024, you’ll receive one email a day. Each day, you’ll practice a new tiny habit. At the end of the 30 days, we’ll meet on a video call and you’ll share your feedback. No hidden agenda, my only ask is you try it out for real (:
Interested??Sign up to try 30 tiny habits in 30 days.