JK Consultants has been serving the recruitment needs of our valued clients for three decades. We are actively supporting and bringing valuable information to help our clients thrive.
History tells us that this too will come to an end. The question is, will your business be strong enough to come back strong or will you lose market share?
Be Powerful in the Uncertainty: Some companies operate out of fear and will make decisions that will ultimately close their doors. Other companies are forward thinking and adjusting to the environment. Powerful people and companies are powerful even in uncertainty.
Ancient Wisdom: John F. Kennedy said “The Chinese use two brush strokes to write the word 'crisis.' One brush stroke stands for danger; the other for opportunity. In a crisis, be aware of the danger--but recognize the opportunity.” Do you see this pandemic only as a danger or do you also see it as an opportunity?
Your Greatest Assets: We all know that our employees are our greatest assets. You may be discovering that not all of your current employees are the assets you thought they were. This is an opportunity to create a new possibility of upgrading your team so that every employee is a powerful asset.
Some employees have left to claim unemployment and some have rolled up their sleeves and are working harder. Some employees have adapted well and are working independently/remotely. We will quickly learn who is making real contributions and thriving with technology.
Many top performers are now languishing as their company shrinks. These highly desirable top performers are questioning every turn in a company that is fearful, unhealthy and unable to be powerful during uncertain times.
Opportunity Thinking: The current environment provides an opportunity to match the needs of top performing companies and top performing employees. Yes! There has never been a greater opportunity for healthy companies to recruit the highly desirable best of the best than right now. Top performers are incredibly impressed with companies that have the foresight to seek them out in midst of the chaos.
Are Your Leaders Powerful: Are your leaders able to embrace new work environments and greater reliance on technology or are they making excuses to resist? You will realize that you need new leaders to help you thrive in the future economic landscape. Bear in mind that the recruiting process generally takes 60 to 90 days and you can establish a later start date.
Build Your Future Now: JK Consultants is here to help you build for the future. We have creative alternatives to bridge the gap during these times and will work with you so that you can hire the best talent to keep your business strong.
I welcome the opportunity to have a conversation on how we could help you build a powerful business for the future.
You never know where professional Friendships may lead!
Fred Khachi
Excellent. Great learning and change of paradigms