New PM Interview Questions and Answers

New PM Interview Questions and Answers

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#1. How would you measure the success of YouTube??

Clarifying Questions —

1.1. Well, YouTube is a very big product with tons of features, like YouTube TV, YouTube stories, YouTube shorts, YouTube videos, YouTube Music etc. Any specific product are we targeting ? >>>> I would like to focus on YouTube videos are thats the major product of the YouTube. Unless you want me to pickup any other sub-products within YouTube.

1.2. Any specific metric, are we trying to measure? Like user acquisition, engagement, revenue etc. >> no, we are looking for YouTube in general.

1.3. Also, are we focusing on YouTube app or web or both ? >> everything (iOS app, android app, web etc)

1.4. Ok, as we finalized the YouTube, I would describe YouTube as a product. So YouTube is a video streaming platform where users can search and watch videos, short videos, watch YouTube TV or music etc. users can also like the videos or post comments on the video. Even, users can create their own YouTube channel where they would be posting the videos they created. And YouTube mission is to give everyone a voice and show them the world. We also have a paid version of YouTube which costs around 12 cad or usd … not sure about the exact cost. And the advantage of the paid version is users can enjoy ads free videos.

Users of YouTube —

2.1. Normal users who would use YouTube to watch the videos?...?Read More? ?

Answered by sanketdalal102

#2. How would you design a bicycle renting app for tourists?

Clarifying Questions:

  1. Geography - India
  2. Timeline - 3 months
  3. Are we owning the end to end value chain which includes not just the app but also the bicycle/infra - yes
  4. What do we do currently and whats my role - PM in a tech company

Approach: User Persona -> User Needs -> Solutions -> Metrics -> Trade offs User Persona:

  1. TouristSoloShort distance -> solving for this bucket as the frequency of occurrence would be highest and thus the impactLong distanceGroupLocal people as well
  2. Bicycle operators
  3. Sponsors ?...?Read More

Answered by Nishant Kumar

#3. There is an 8% drop in Google Search. What would you do?

Clarifying questions

- Am I the PM at Microsoft à Yes

- Globe is usually a replica of earth in spherical form mapped with countries, oceans, and other geographic entities

- Are we planning a physical product or a digital product à your judgement

- Any time or resource constraints à No

- Since Microsoft usually creates digital products any specific goals for building the globe à To create innovative and revamping the existing globe

Microsoft vision: To enable everyone on the planet to achieve more

Product goal: To increase adoption of globe usage and promotes the learning

User segments

1. School going children

2. Adults interested in geography/travel

3. Professionals – work related engagements The most potent segment is school going children as this is the age they are exposed to the new world and are more curious to know more?...?Read More

Answered by Sanpreet

#1. Design a wearable device for health workers.

Asked by Razorpay in Product Design

#2. Imagine you are the Product Manager of YouTube Shorts. What improvements would you make?

Asked by Flipkart in Product Improvement

#3. Imagine you are the Product Manager at Coinbase responsible for managing the bitcoin trading brokerage area. You observe a 20% decline in monthly brokerage revenue compared to the previous month. As the PM overseeing this area, what steps would you take?

Asked by Coinbase in Execution

Technical Questions

Technical questions evaluate your ability to understand the mechanics of a technology product, communicate technical information effectively, think about the edge cases and trade-offs in technical design decisions, and think analytically while taking a systematic approach to problem-solving.

Ankur Upadhyay

Senior Product Manager. Practicing for Estimation, Metrics, Product Improvement, Problem Solving, Product Launch, Product Strategy, Technical and Product Growth. Practice Interviewing with Ankur Upadhyay ?

Chetan Lohia

Product Lead. Practicing for Product Design and Execution. Practice Interviewing with Chetan Lohia

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