New Play-Along Software with Chord-scales & Full Harmonic Analysis
Ariel J. Ramos (mDecks Music)
App Developer, Composer for film and video games at mDecks Music
Mapping Tonal Harmony Pro 7 is now available with a new play-along feature that includes chord-scales, harmonic analysis and arrows & brackets analysis. They already have 800+ Jazz Standard Progressions fully analyzed, plus Jazz Workouts, Tonal Harmony Exercises, Beethoven Analyses and more.
The play-along is fully customizable, from style and tempo to how the piano create its voicings and the bass its lines.
The app's play-along feature is just one of the hundreds of things you can do in Mapping Tonal harmony Pro.
The Reharmonizer is certainly a cool feature where you take any song and use different reharmonization techniques to create an entire new harmonic progression. The interesting aspect of this tool is that you give each technique a probability of being applied to you song, that allows Mapping Tonal Harmony Pro to create endless amount of reharmonizations based on the same progression.
This app is extensive and can take you from the very basics to the most advanced harmonic concepts (always within tonality). mDecks Music has an entire YouTube channel dedicated to Mapping Tonal Harmony Pro
The music notation and harmonic analyses in Mapping Tonal Harmony Pro is, for the most part standard, as taught in any college. There are a few additions to the notation within the app. Here's a video showing the Symbolism in Mapping Tonal Harmony Pro
If you want to learn more about Mapping Tonal Harmony visit mDecks Music at