A New Perspective
Michael Shehan
Providing low rates & expertise/strategy when buying or refinancing a home throughout Utah | (801) 918-5500 | NMLS #1969275
March 13, 2010
A few years ago I was at a gathering of colleagues in a large room. I noticed someone's glasses sitting on the table. Partly because I was curious and partly because I am a little mischievous, I tried them on.
I guess I expected them to make things fuzzy, since I had always had great vision. To my surprise, the room looked clearer, it was less fuzzy, and I could read some signs across the room that were previously blurred. I was astonished. I didn't realize that my vision had changed over the years and thought that my sight was just fine.
Within a few days following, I went and had my sight officially checked, and sure enough, I needed a mild prescription in order to regain my previously better than 20/20 vision.
The point to this short story is that sometimes we assume that what we have, or are, is as good as it gets. That things are the way they should be. When we are fortunate enough to get the opportunity to see things from a new, different perspective, it is truly a gift. Especially when you are pleasantly surprised and see a little more clearly, understand better or do something with better results.
We all have opportunities from time to time to borrow a friends glasses and look from another perspective. Maybe it'll be blurrier, but maybe it'll be clearer, and you'll wonder how you stumbled along before.
Focus your gifts and talents, and see unrealized possibilities in your life. -and quit justifying the attachment to the negative influences as well.
Michael L. Shehan