The New Paradigm

The New Paradigm

In my classes, clearings, and workshops, you will often hear me talking about the “New Paradigm”.  Many of you have a grasp of what I am referring to; many of you are just confused. It is a complicated term that needs to be unwound and explained.

In simple words, the new paradigm is a movement. It is not just one thing or many things. It is a shift of energy and consciousness that our planet is transitioning into. And you can see it when you look around the world. Never before, at least in our recorded history, has so much awareness, awakening, care and concern been so palpable. We see consciousness arising in books, newspapers, editorials, in the news, in social media and so much more. Yes, the internet has assisted all this – it is a part of something much bigger and it is taking place on the inner realms, the unseen world. This world is what is driving and propelling forward all of this change.

The pathway into accessing this unseen world is covered in what we call veils. Veils are an energetic force that actually appear to be veils – like a fabric. In the old paradigm the veils were very thick. Just imagine being shrouded in layers and layers and layers of material that is wispy, thin yet very strong. With so many layers of this material, it is not possible to see beyond it or through it. The entire world has been shrouded in these veils. There was a reason for that. We were in the Dark Ages, a time of contraction. In the contraction, we get further and further away from our Divine Self. We were meant to do this, for in order to know all aspects of our Self, we had to know ourselves in total darkness, disconnection from our deepest knowing, which is our connection to our Divine Self, our God Self. We had to know the most negative of all experiences and emotions. We all agreed to this. Obviously, our ego or limited small self cannot remember the agreements we made, yet we did agree to go dark.

As we enter into the new paradigm, the veils are thinning. The veils have been thinning since the movement of theAquarian Age. In actuality, the Aquarian Age began because of the thinning of the veils. As we approached the remaining era for the Piscean Age, the closer we get to the end of this age the more the veils thin. With the thinning of the veils, it’s like the sun is finally shining through, we have hope for goodness, growth, expansion, connection, awakening, consciousness and liberation. The world is waking up. That is happening because of the thinning of the veils. Remember the unseen world and realms are way ahead of the physical realms.

When we look at humanity energetically, it appears that not only as the veils thin, the energy around the body is thinning as well. When we are shrouded in layers of fog, we cannot know all of our self. Remember, in the core of our being is our Divine Light, our God Self. Energetically, we can ‘sense’ that that Light has been hidden beneath layers and layers of programming, experience, conclusions made, the withholding of love, judgments, comparisons, better than, less than and all the human beliefs that cause separation. As these layers around the body are dissipating, our Light can finally shine from within. We organically, naturally know right from wrong; we no longer want to be negative nor do we want to cause harm. That Light within every sentient being is love. Absent the ego, there is only love. And that is what is getting exposed right here on planet earth.

As the veils thin, and more light shines on the planet, it’s kind of like Sleeping Beauty waking up. It’s like stretching into new bodies, new ways of thinking. Our inner Knowing is much more accessible. Just imagine if we shifted our awareness from our eyes to our senses, and we could see the shrouds covering the earth for thousands and thousands of years. We would see a world held in darkness where there was struggle because everyone is disconnected from Light. Then imagine that the shrouds begin to fall away and Light is slowly entering the planet. People are feeling lighter, more hopeful, no longer willing to believe in separation or wallow in hatred, judgment, fear where life feels hopeless. The thinning of the veils is bringing hope to humanity. That’s what’s taking place right now, right here in our lifetime.

The journey to knowing ourselves and transitioning into the new paradigm can be an adventure. Our blockages, old beliefs and unfelt emotions are coming up quickly – we want to be released. It is all part of the Divine Plan Unfolding. The word has already been spoken. We, as a whole, are coming back into balance.

ron collins

deconstructing liturgitative mantrapeneurship

9 年

Let's see: paradigm, awareness, energy, consciousness, transitioning, concern, veils, negative, ego.... has the author missed any of the meaningless New Age code terms, that indicate to the discerning reader that she has nothing at all of any substance to say about anything?



