The New Paradigm Blockchain
From my perspective regarding Blockchain, this is seen to be a new paradigm from centralization to a more egalitarian and decentralized system. As with all changes we find new challenges and not least we are confronted with old ideas and attempting to put them in a square box while actually, it is round.
The original idea by the legendary figure Satoshi Nakamoto who for all intent and purposes has become a mythical figure with the original idea how to prevent the double spend and be more socially responsible in its transactions which is forever in the blockchain. This, of course, led to some nefarious organization namely Drugs and Gangster on the Silk Road which was, of course, the illegal drug industry.
However, we see history littered with illegal activities which eventually become a social good and the norm. I would argue the Blockchain and its various component’s like Ethereum and others alternative coins commonly known as Alt coins are the future, however, we must consider these chains or altcoin as having small computers attached to them really these are apps that power the blockchain
The future could be seen in many different dimensions which could have a great impact on the individual, social, environmental, economical and many other perspectives. This will reflect in our work and lifestyle.Let us consider AI Artificial intelligence, through to commerce and almost all infrastructure which could and will benefit mankind in ways we haven't considered.Some examples include Climate change carbon capture,tracing Goods from point of origin to consumer thereby guaranteeing originality this is extremely important in all products especially so in pharmaceutical industry.We could see a role in protecting children from illegal activities such as pornography or child trafficking, the blockchain conceivable can, for example, change the health industry, logistic data collection, education, and immutable history that in one way solves challenges and opens up the door to changing the way we view our data.Whilst I could quote examples, there will be changes in a very short time that aids humankind indeed often in ways we did not think could manifest.
Of course, such diverse and ever-changing technologies such as the creativity of the blockchain challenges Governments and even constitutions. In fact, it could be argued the Blockchain arose because of the Financial Crisis in 2007, that the populous has begun to see we live in an indebted world which seems ultimately to be controlled by very few, enabling the very few to become immensely wealthy and the average person to become less well off.
There are some who I believe are uninformed who really do not understand blockchain and indeed there are others that believe it could be used for nefarious purposes, however it would prudent to look at the amount of corruption that goes on through various means in the fiat world and it is believed the amount in the Blockchain world is in comparison likely to be insignificant.This, as it may be considered regarding fiat currency being a challenge regarding money laundering as too, will some elements of the blockchain, this I hope does not mean it an excuse to regulate and attempt to in some way centralize blockchain.
We as a civilization must find ways of changing humanity and one of these ways I believe is the blockchain, it enables fairness and enables technologies as for instance the internet of things which in essence means we can connect many robotic devices to work for humanity. Eventually, whole cities and countries could be transformed by such technologies and change humanity from a debt-ridden society to more than enough society.This in itself proposes challenges. Are the elite willing to give up power are banks willing to look at the world differently? (For change to really take place?) Could we also propose the question is the tax system able to change with such technologies?I believe the answer is a resounding yes, this will need out of the box creative thinking by all, the old paradigms and assumptions must change. We could say we have come from cave man to Savana travelers to Farming and the Industrial Revolution to Computers and to Blockchain.It could be said that we are now on the cusp of gigantic change and indeed it has never been seen by humankind ever, this change is so vast and embracing it challenges our very way of thinking. We might say it is the time of the Geeks, the time for Space age technologies that were indeed science fiction this is what I think the blockchain offers to the world.
We discussed a range challenges that are presenting the Blockchain, however, I would say Governments and Legislators are finding technologies difficult and I am concerned that there will be policies rules regulations and laws that have unintended consequences. These unintended consequences could involve such scenarios as the limitation of what humanity could create and indeed in some cases wreck economies due to lack of due diligence in the new paradigm. Of course, this is understandable, technology is not standing still even for the brightest it is difficult to catch up, however, catch up we must if we believe we want humanity to survive.
Then we must look at the need for protection in this new paradigm it is sad to see a Cryptocurrency for some reason vanish, of course, the block is still there and unfortunately you may have lost your private keys forgotten your password or its been stolen and currently there are few provisions that can enable the individual or even corporation to get it back. At this time such things as smart contract are challenging for some, and even mind-boggling for others. Although this presents challenges in the early stages, just like computer technology evolved to become user-friendly so too will the blockchain.
Of course, we see the digital coins or ERC20 Tokens on our computer actually they are not there they held by that mysterious node or number of nodes, really what this is a number of servers that are the blockchain. Which of course is the decentralized system that will not permit modification that we call a distributed ledger system that has several parties or nodes that verify the transaction.
The contention is that Blockchain and systems like it will irrevocably change humankind forever it has the potential to reach out to us all in fairness a more egalitarian world. We see this in ingenious ways of sharing unused electricity and making clean electricity cheaper than fossil fuels, we see potential to have a mathematical response with no human error and we see science piggybacking on Ethereum perhaps EOS and Cadarno as we progress with these platforms they might well be what takes Humankind from cave to the future.
Imagine a future of possibilities where the reward was for saving the world not destroying the world, a future where there is no need for war hunger or any kind of want.A world where almost anything is possible.
And then the biggest question of course with all this technology where does all the Data go?We are indeed grappling with the concept, cars that listen to our computers that know our every move and this is not your laptop it is also your mobile phone, it will be (AI)
Listening to our every word it will know when we are upset aroused or angry. In fact, it will know everything about us.
I would say today we have gone past George Orwell 1984 well past.It is up to us to make sure the blockchain is for the good and not controlled heavily by Governments and regulators, however, it must be for the purpose of benefit to mankind and leave its nefarious past forever.
One other word will there be more laws or will the blockchain be the Law?
V-Meow is a decentralized economy for pets and wildlife-based economy which depends on blockchain technology. We are working hard at fusing blockchain in supply chains and adding to higher creature welfare.
B.E.E Universal LLC
6 年We have to make the shift working together as one to resolve all problems global. I am definitely interested and on board.