New Painting
‘gradual changes over time’ 60 x 48 inches oil on canvas by kathryn arnold, Photograph taken by Kathryn Arnold

New Painting

I have titled this painting, it is from my newest series ‘recollections of my former self’ titles based on my found writings and notes from about 20 years ago!!! Creates such an interesting record of my focus so am so glad to have found them. The title of this one is ‘gradual changes over time’ 60 x 48 inches oil on canvas. #artgallery #artopportunity #artcollectors #art dealers #artconsultant #abstractart #paintingart #kathrynarnoldartist #oiloncanvas

Here is a larger image.

‘gradual changes over time’ 60 x 48 inches oil on canvas by kathryn arnold, Photograph taken by Kathryn Arnold


