New Open Stance Audiobook and Newsletter Available!
Ann Van Eron
Founder and CEO of Potentials, Organization Development Consultant, Executive Coach, Open-Minded Conversations Facilitator and Trainer, Best-selling Author, Writer, Speaker
Hi All,
As I release an audiobook version of Open Stance: Thriving Amid Differences and Uncertainty, I’m offering a newsletter series to share practices for how to take an Open Stance and realize the benefits of taking an Open Stance.?
Amid differences and uncertainty, we can each choose to take an Open Stance and experience more resilience and well-being. Together, we can take kind action and make life better for all.
What is an Open Stance?
Taking an Open Stance is about noticing when we are contracted, in judgment, controlling or closed and, with awareness, shifting to being curious, compassionate, courageous and open to possibilities.?
From an Open Stance we are able to attend to the world with greater resilience, embrace the present moment and realize potential.
You are welcome to join the Open Stance Community, where we collectively support one another to thrive. Sign up!
You can learn more here: Open Stance Community.
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I appreciate your help in sharing this message. I welcome your thoughts, suggestions and experiences.
Please continue to follow and support the Open Stance journey and stay in touch.?
Thank you for your support, interest and engagement!
With gratitude,
Ann Van Eron