The New Normal, What Is It, Who IS IT and Where Do I Belong?
One of the most important things I believe we are facing today is "Uncertainty," "it seems like everything around us is fake" and we find ourselves not knowing what to believe or what to do next.
"The truth is, there's no truth" We have fake news, we have fake statistics, not only from the United States but from everywhere on the planet.
Our Hearts
The good news is, there is something that absolutely is not fake, and that’s the light of our human soul. It surrounds every one of us on the planet. And when we understand this, that our light is the most important thing we have as human beings, and we realize that we cannot fake it, this is when we will fall into consciousness and everything will change.
This new paradigm will help us get out of our heads and understand that we need to start leading with our hearts when we deal with issues around affecting our planet today... Lead with your heart instead of your brain will be the only way to live our lives in peace.
Your Compass
The mind is like water. When it's turbulent, it is difficult to see, when it's calm everything becomes clear.
Being grounded is the ability to be completely aware and conscious during the present moment. If you’re grounded, you practice a deep sense of mindfulness, when you’re grounded, you’re in complete control of your mental and emotional self, and not easily influenced by other ideas or individuals. Those who are grounded allow life’s small mishaps to roll off their shoulders.
However, there are different types of exercises you can do to help ground you, including: "But you need to turn your cell phone off first."
1. Breathing exercises. 2. 20-minute walking without your cell phone. 3. Play music. 4. Stop and listen carefully. 5. Sip a hot drink from a mug. 6. Sleep at least eight hours a day 7. You can also do yoga
The brain is one of the largest and most complex organs in the human body. It is made up of more than 100 billion nerves that communicate in trillions of connections called synapses.
You cannot control your outer environment; you can control yourself. "Trust me... you also need to rest"
I believe the New Normal Intelligence comes when both your brain and your heart are connected to make wise choices and decisions. What makes us so unique and gives us a competitive edge?
We are smarter because we chose to read more books and lived your life differently from others. We are high achievers because we made the decision to constantly improve your knowledge and experience, this way of thinking, enhanced our skills and it empowered us to take more risks in life to do all of the above. I assure you, if you take more risks and you dedicate your life to learning and improving your skills you will live the life that you only dream of.
What the Mind Can Conceive And Believe it Can Achieve -Napoleon Hill
We’re not going to get replaced by AI, but we do need to re-engineer and rewire our brains to think differently about how we perform in the New Normal.
Imagine the words "New and Normal" what does it mean to you?
In today’s society, we build relationships with trust and respect for everyone that surrounds us and gives us light, we purchase and also accept money from those we trust. "These are things we do every day!"
The truth could be heard for miles, and all we need to do is help each other live in the truth. The New Normal will be the way we do business In the very near future. Face-to-face, knee to knee, and elbow to elbow through the Internet and from home. In fact, the New Normal is working from wherever you want to work.
"You've heard this before, for things to change, you need to change. For things to get better, you need to get better, this is no different"
Nothing has really changed except YOU. The way you look at things, the way you look at things makes everything change. Sales, marketing, communications, these all go together.
"What's behind the door I do not know, what I do know, I know it well the more I open the more I sell"
The New Normal will create change, wealth, and freedom for those that apply themselves today.
If you wait until this confusion lifts up and the fog clears to a point where we can see, you will have arrived too late to make a change. You will become part of the New Normal instead of leading in the New Normal.
In this video, Elatia Abate’s expertise is on the topic of the future of work – on how to help empower people and organizations to be successful during times of massive uncertainty and massive disruption. How can you rethink your mindset, commit to education and training, and collaborate right now?
Reengineering or rewiring our way of thinking
3 Ways To Create Raving Fan Customers RIGHT NOW... Today we're all looking for a solution, a new way of approaching our lives and our business. David Meerman Scott Will help you understand a little more about how to do this.
The solution
Let me give you a glimpse through this window. In the history of the planet, there has never been an opportunity quite like this. An opportunity to create a lifestyle that you could only dream of having.
"Think of one thing, And make a decision today." How good are you at what you do? and how can you re-engineer yourself for something better tomorrow?
If you're confused, that's OK. If you do not understand this give me a call and we can speak further about how you can achieve this. I would suggest a text message and let me know it is you, give me your name and your interest. 850-408-1460
Jose Martucci
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