The New Normal
The New Normal
By: Michael F.
The pandemic created by COVID-19 has changed what is normal for many of us. Starting and persisting through 2020 as a result of COVID-19 and policies associated with the virus, "The New Normal" has become a common contemporary catchphrase of sorts. Using data from Google Trends, we can further evaluate the phrase, "The New Normal". Google Trends utilizes a rating scale best described in the following excerpt.
"Numbers represent search interest relative to the highest point on the chart for the given region and time. A value of 100 is the peak popularity for the term. A value of 50 means that the term is half as popular. A score of 0 means there was not enough data for this term." (Ritche, Hannah, et al, 2021).
Analyzing this data, based on the popularity of the search phrase "The New Normal" for the entirety of The United States of America, confirms that popularity began to pick up steam starting around September 1st, 2019, reaching a value of 23. Popularity peaked for the search phrase between April 19th, 2021, and May 16th, 2021, at a value of 99. Currently, as of October 27th, 2021, popularity is sitting at a value of 56.
Despite being popular, does anyone really know what the phrase "The New Normal" means? I believe that "The New Normal" varies greatly by definition from person to person. As for myself, "The New Normal" consisted of periods of extreme isolation. This "new normal" paradoxically also allowed me to spend more time with my family than ever before. Delving deeper into new activities such as skateboarding and stock trading was an additional benefit of my time spent during the 2020 lockdown in Pennsylvania, heck, I even doubled down on my studies! I consider myself pretty lucky. For those in the health care field as well as other industries, "The New Normal" translated to mandatory overtime, understaffing, and growing workloads, forcing employees to find unique ways to overcome this new adversity. (Letourneau, 2021).
As of October 27th, 2021, COVID-19 has globally claimed the lives of 4.95 million individuals so far. (Ritchie, Hannah, et al, 2021). The impact of this vicious disease on communication, education, economies, families, and romances cannot be understated. COVID-19 has changed what is normal for many individuals, for both the better and worse. Individuals who once considered themselves somewhat computer illiterate before COVID-19 and the mass migration to a digital world have now found themselves having to learn and adapt. Some individuals have even become computer gurus! (Alessi, 2021).
With this concept of a "new normal" resulting from COVID-19, there have been both good and bad aspects. I choose to make this "new normal" a positive learning experience through my humble gratefulness for surviving this pandemic in the first place. I am fortunate to be writing this piece. May those who lost their lives as a result of COVID-19 rest in peace.
Alessi, Janet Mecksroth.
“When Covid-19 Emptied Schools, a Teacher Learned New Lessons.”?
The Palm Beach Post.
22 Oct. 2021.
Letourneau, Rayna M.
“Nurses Are Leaving the Profession, and Replacing Them Won't Be Easy.”?
The Conversation.
14 Oct. 2021.
Ritchie, Hannah. et al.
“Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19) – the Data - Statistics and Research.”?
Our World in Data.
5 Mar. 2021.