The new normal in customer service in post-C19 times.
Jim Kayalar, DBA(ABD), MBA, (L.I.O.N)
C- Level Executive,Serial Entrepreneur,Management Consultant,International Author,Professor of Business, Photographer (RET)
The new normal in customer service in post-C19 times. Brands usually make a Product and Service promise to their customers. Mercedes-Benz promises a high-quality exclusive product. Toyota promises reliability, FIAT promises inexpensive cars, etc... Before the pandemic there was a customer service promise made by each brand whether it be cars or washing machines, or air conditioners. Unfortunately, this component got decimated when brands laid off trained and experienced staff as customers no longer needed customer service. Unfortunately, as Covid19 subsided these companies either hired back less staff or couldn't find staff to hire. As a result, the earliest an air conditioner repairman can come is in three weeks' time with sweltering heat outside at 40c/100f. My car needs to be serviced urgently and the next appointment available is at 3 p.m. two weeks from now. The new normal is slower delayed customer service which is most likely more expensive and lower quality. Good for firms bad for customers.
The new normal presents opportunities to smaller firms or individuals that can fill the lack of service, bad service, or delayed service gap and offer their superior but unbranded service as an alternative to branded service.