The New Normal.

The New Normal.

The Corona Virus, Covid-19 pandemic is here with us and all of us have been adversely affected directly or indirectly. Our sources of income, spiritual nourishment, entertainment, social interactions and pleasures have been directly or indirectly hampered by this pandemic. Just the way the children of Israel found themselves in the desert and began wishing they could go back to Egypt where they could get a meal, we are also in such a kind of wilderness and most of us are wishing things could go back to normal but shall we really go back to normal? Of course not. I have been thinking about the New Normal and why it’s necessary for us to appreciate it and start embracing it.

I want us to look at some of the reasons why it is necessary that we forget the Old Normal and welcome the New Normal into our lives. Let’s analyze it in terms of the Precautionary Measures set out by the Ministry of Health on Keeping Safe from Corona Virus Disease.

1. Hand Washing; This should be done regularly and thoroughly with soap and running water. All along we’ve been washing hands at different times for different reasons but we weren’t keen on the way we did it to a point we found washing hands without soap or just passing your hands briefly on water as one of the Old Normal. Now this must stop and we need to appreciate the New Normal way of washing hands regularly and thoroughly with water and soap. Various aspects of our lives requires such thorough cleansing as well. Don’t take things about your life casually and when you get a chance to work on yourself do it thoroughly.

2. Social Distancing; Maintain at least 1 metre (3 feet) apart and avoid crowded places. Naturally we were designed to observe social distancing even if it’s not the 1 metre rule but over time people have been overcrowding and word over we have witnessed stampedes and unnecessary loss of lives owing to such crowding. The Old Normal provided for unnecessary overcrowding even at places that would endanger human lives. The New Normal calls us to stick to the natural laws of existence that despite being together we create space for each of us to live. Farmers understand this measure so well that they grow their crops with standard spaces in between to maximize the yield, the same applies to animals kept in a given space. The New Normal have made several organization to realize that they’ve been losing millions in rental spaces for work spaces to employees who are now comfortably working from home and achieving even better results. Such organizations shall surely not go back to the Old Normal but will reorganize their operations to create the New Normal of business operations. Places of worship, entertainment and social gatherings have been halted. While this has affected some activities in such areas, it has not stopped the sermons, the exercises and interactions since people have been able to recognize new means of access through online and media platforms thus creating a New Normal. Going forward we shall have more Digital churches, schools and other amenities being legalized to operate amongst us.

On individual point of view we also need to find other areas to apply this social distancing measures in our lives. Would it be necessary to social distance yourself from your phone for example for some hours during the day? Would you need to social distance yourself from some friends, some relatives, some colleagues? Just as we observe social distance to prevent ourselves and others from contracting the virus as everyone is a suspect, could it be that social distancing yourself from some of your close friends could save you from a downfall? Food for thought.

3. Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth; Hands touch many surfaces and can pick up viruses. Once contaminated, hands can transfer the virus to your eyes, nose or mouth. From there, the virus can enter your body and infect you. I personally found this to be the most challenging in the beginning but over time, I have had to learn to abide by it. The Old Normal is friendly and seems natural while the New Normal requires us to be more alert and conscious almost all the time. I find this a wake up call since most of us have been sleeping during the day

4. Covering nose and mouth; Use face mask and/or cover your nose and mouth with bent elbow or disposable tissue when coughing or sneezing. This is a measure meant to protect you and others from possible infection. Use of face mask is not a comfortable affair by all means but for the sake of your health and those around you, it’s a necessary precautionary measure to minimize the spread of the virus. This is a reminder to all of us that at all times we must be conscious of our actions and behaviours. In the Old Normal, most of us would be so comfortable at the company of others known and unknown that they put their welfare at risk. In the New Normal therefore we are being reminded to always be conscious of who is around us and how we can respond to them. Ignorance is no defence, we must therefore be responsive to the environment around us so that we can be able to help anyone in need in our environment and also be able to recognize any impending danger and take the necessary precautions.

5. Staying at Home; to minimize chances of possible infection. Also when having mild cough so that you can protect others from possible infection. This is one of the measures that has proved to be the climax amongst them all. Coming back home early from work or business has never been the desire of some as it has been the desire of others in equal measure. Being taken back to a place where you can be there alone or with family without friends or colleagues around you. A time to interact with God without the pressure of lack of sufficient time. A time to be with your loved ones, partner and children. To some it’s a blessing but a burden to some others as well. The Old Normal was a time for rush, speed, lack of time, loneliness and probably misplaced priorities. We all learn about having a Balanced Life, where you need to allocate sufficient time to all aspects and areas of your life but the Old Normal was all biased. The New Normal is a call to remind us that it’s actually possible to live such a balanced life while still being productive. We now have time to appreciate the many gifts around us that we use to take for granted. This also comes with the realization that indeed what you thought as a mandatory routine was actually a fallacy and you are better without it.

6. Seek Medical Attention; If you have fever, cough and difficulty in breathing. This is one measure that majority don’t wish for themselves or their loved ones. This is a measure to ensure that you go get tested for the virus and be treated whether positive or negative. Unlike in the Old Normal where it was normal to get sick and do self prescription, in the New Normal you are required to go take the necessary tests to ascertain the cause of the symptoms and get the right treatment. This is a measure that many people take for granted not only when it comes to flu related symptoms but in other symptoms and we end up with late irreversible diagnosis of chronic illnesses. Let’s therefore embrace the New Normal and always seek to get to know the nature of any underlying problem before we begin treatment.

For those who test positive for the disease, it’s not a death sentence since we have seen 99% recover rate the world over so it’s all about taking the right recommended treatment measures in your journey to recovery. Stigmatization should be the Old Normal and people need to treat confirmed persons who recover with love since they are free from the virus, this must be our New Normal.

7. Stay Updated; with information from trusted sources like Local Government Authorities, local Ministry of Health and WHO. With increased use of technology and social media to circulate information around the world, there has also been increased circulation of fake news and information. The need to beware of whatever information you consume and being able to verify and authenticate is paramount to ensuring you don’t cause unnecessary despair and worry amongst those you interact with. The necessity to always access and consume the right and timely information is not only healthy but progressive in nature. Knowledge is gained through consumption of right information and as such it should be the New Normal for us to rely on the right sources and be able to confidently discard information from unreliable sources and to authoritatively condemn anyone originating false information.

Having said that, I call upon all of us to embrace change and understand that the Old Normal is gone and the New Normal is here with us. This is not to mean that this pandemic is not coming to an end, indeed it’s our prayer it ends soon and I know it will but life going forward will never be as it was. Let’s pick up the lessons and live a more meaningful, more productive and more loving life going forward. Let’s appreciate and embrace the New Normal that this pandemic has taught us. Just as the Children of Israel, we are headed to a land of new frontiers and new possibilities, so let’s stop looking back.

The New Normal during this season is giving us a chance to learn a new skill, start an online business (I can guide you on this), discover yourself, read a book, write a book, pray and fast or work out to achieve that weight you’ve always desired. Come out Stronger and Better. Let’s keep safe, God bless you.

Authored by:

Clarence Andrew Yegon

Consultant, Trainer and Coach I Career-Business-Finance I 

I Call/Whatsapp +254-724-345-058 I [email protected] I


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