A New Normal?
Perhaps not, since it is all unfolding as we speak, but change seems to be asking to be acknowledged and embraced. We can almost feel an evolutionary force calling for transformation, so why not pick co-creation instead of desperation?
We live in times of accelerated change, with global challenges exposing the interconnectedness of our civilization. Resilience and adaptation became clear prerequisites for all. From those in the front line of tackling the global pandemic, much bravery and strength is being required, and we are eternally grateful for their fellowship and service. For those staying at home, much patience is needed, but isn't it in patience that all our virtues can be put to action? What a great opportunity to make room for creativity and innovation!
The current world order welcomes a deep reflection, a reflection about our health, from the individual level to that of organizations, going all the way to the planetary level. Big stuff! And we are all part of it. Each and everyone of us, with no exception. So how to get started?
One alternative is to apply a systemic lens to how we look at the world and consequently at the situation at hand. We, as individuals, are systems, our organizations are systems, our planet is a system. And each system, from small to big, from simple to complex, is part of a larger system. In embracing this notion, we can also consider the properties of systems when making decisions. From self-organization to adaptation, from identifying patterns and consciuosly moving about them, adopting a systemic approach can be very useful in our personal as well as professional decision-making processes.
In doing so, one tip I try to apply to myself is to constantly calibrate my personal vibration. It is so easy to get connected to emotions that do not serve us so well! And when we allow that connection, I often find it easier to regain balance by catching this disbalance as early as possible through pausing to breath and through meditation. I believe we can make anything true that we focus upon, so why not pay more attention to how we feel in certain situations, avoid getting derailed further by aiming our focus at the positive and allowing good ideas to flow?
It may be easier said than done, but I invite you to give it a try! By asking ourselves "What for?", or "What is it in it for me to learn?" may also help us recalibrate, and keep going. By tunning in to our inner being, not depending exclusively on our loved ones, teachers and others who do their best to calibrate our vibration on our behalf, and building our own approaches to connect directly to that source energy that we are an extension of is powerful.
So let us light up our inner light with whatever method is possible for each one of us, and let us bring light to the planet. Developing awareness, knowing our power, having more consideration for others, feeling part of a bigger scheme of things, vibrating that way, but also aligning our personal and professional actions with it, are great steps to co-create positive impact in all systems we are part of and in the world at large. At Briyah Institute we are constantly looking for ways to help you get started. So embrace your unique lifelong journey of co-creation right here and right now, regardless of whether there is a new normal or not.