The New Norm
What Price Power, a book I wrote, is about what happens to women when they have power in the work force. They bring that power home. They make decisions and are listened to more by their husbands.
If women had the same power men had, men like Harvey Weinstein would no longer take advantaage. The casting couch has been around for a long time. Women are often forced to make a decision between advancing their careers and putting up with sexual abuse.
Harvey himself said it was normal. He is just the poster child for all those men out there. Women with high powered professions can help other women from becoming victimized. As long as we have to depend on men who can take advantage, there will be some men who take advangate.
We have changed in our roles as men have become more nurturing and equal minded. The older generation are still stuck with the double standards. Today they can no longer continue without consequences. We live in a time where there are more women in the work force and more women with opportunities.
What happens at work trickles down to the relationship. A man who is a business man has often boasted about his conquests to his co workers. A man who is a professional man sees women as equal at work and goes home and respects his wife. The mindsets of these men are often molded according to the careers they choose.
A father who objectifies his daughter when she gets older is giveing her a message. Looks are everything. A father who praises his daughter on how well she preforms at school or while playing tennis is giving her a different message. Being productive and independent is what is to be praised.
Times are changing and the men who got away with double standards are no longer getting away with it. Take Kennedy as opposed to Clinton, just as an example.