The New Norm
Research has shown that keeping refugees out probably doesn't stop any terrorists and letting them in might keep people or their kids from taking up arms. The average wait time for processing is one year to eighteen months. When in doubt with conflict these people tend to lack documentation. They are then denied requests. Terrorists could fly to Mexico and get across the border.
For the US to close its shelters and let Isis continue to make life hell for millions in the Middle East would be to perpetuate exactly what the terrorists want. They can find others ways to get into our country without having to wait for three years.
Most European terrorists are European. The individual were not immigrants or refugees. They were French Citizens the sons or grandson's or great grandsons of immigrants who arrived in France. Reluctant to assimilate in each others culture.
The world is at war.
Going global, giving help to others is very different then allowing each country to fend for themselves while giving them the tools. I had a patient who was always attacking her father. Why would she attack the very man who supported her because she could not work? Answer. She was jealous that he had every thing and she had to take from him. Eventually I helped her to make her own money. Their relationship is more equal now.
On a broader scope, we have opened up the channels. Our leadership is diminishing, our borders are no longer defined. We no longer have exclusivity. Give a man a fish and he will eventually get hungry. Teach him to fish and he will be independent. We can not let other countries decide on how we should live. Nor should we have or continue to dictate to other countries what they need to do . We have opened the doors to compete, for jealousy. Our next step is to help other countries to be independent not to rely on us, not to be jealous of us, not to wish us evil, but to be grateful for giving them the gift of freedom and free enterprise.
It is to late for that.
We need to fight for our territory. We have given enough away. We need to re own our own independence.
We cannot give everything away. But now we also need to fight back. To re own our dignity, our freedom and our territory. If the terrorists don't like it, let them live the life they think is right without dictating ours. We need to stop interfering with foreign policies and have pride with what we have. Otherwise foreign policy will in return dictate to us. Each country is separate and separately we will need to rule. The borders need to be defined.