The NEW Most Important Interview Question of All Time
But a few years ago I found a better one.
The idea came about when a talent leader at a SmartRecruiters conference asked me to interview her using the original question.
But since she knew what it was, I changed the question a bit and asked this instead:
Can you tell me about your most significant team accomplishment of all time??
To better understand the power of this question, imagine I’m interviewing you and I ask you to describe your most significant team accomplishment of your entire career. What team accomplishment would you pick and how would you describe it??
After providing a quick overview, how would you answer the following clarifying questions?
Now imagine I ask about two other major team accomplishments at different times and situations.?
Growth in the size, scope, scale and importance of the teams indicates the candidate is respected and trusted by managers and other people in the company. How and why the person got selected reveals technical skills, work quality, reliability, cultural fit, and the ability to deal with a broad variety of different people including those in other functions.?
In fact, these questions provide enough evidence to assess most of the 10 factors on our?Quality of Hire Talent Scorecard. That’s why I now consider it the most important interview question of all time.?
What did it reveal about you?
Lou Adler?is the CEO and founder of?Performance-based Hiring Learning Systems?– a consulting and training firm helping recruiters and hiring managers around the world hire more leaders. Lou is the author of the Amazon top-10 best-seller,?Hire With Your Head?(John Wiley & Sons, 4th Edition, 2021),?The Essential Guide for Hiring & Getting Hired?(Workbench Media, 2013) and LinkedIn Learning’s?Performance-based Hiring?video training program (2016). Make sure you check out his?Hire with Your Head?Virtual Book Club?for the latest hiring ideas and trends.
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1 年Excellent
2 年Vos taux de gains et de commissions selon votre activité et l'activité de votre équipePlus vous êtes sérieux et plus votre équipe est efficace, plus vos commissions et profits sont élevés, bien s?rBien s?r, vos commissions commenceront à augmenter progressivement pour atteindre d'excellents montantsCertains membres ont une commission de 20 000 $ par mois ou plusNe soyez pas surpris par les chiffres, mais il y a ceux dont les commissions atteignent soixante-dix et quatre-vingt-dix mille dollarsParce que les commissions sont cumulables de votre travail et du travail de votre équipe
2 年 ??? ??????? ???? ?? ??? ?? ?? ???? ??? ???????? ??? ?????????*●??????? ??????**●?? ????? ????**●?? ????? ??????**●????? ?? ?????**●????? ????????? ??????**●??????? ????**●????????? ?? ???????**●?????? ?????? ???? ??????**●?????? ?? ????? ?? ?? ???? ???????**●????? ????? ?????**●????? ?????? ??? ????????**●???????? ??????? ???**●?????????????**●?????? ??????**●?????? ???? ?????**●?????? ???????**●?????? ?????? ?????? ?? ???????**●??????? ????? ????? ???????***?????? ??? ???**??? ?????? ?????? ?? ???? ????? ??? 18 ???*??????? ?????? :
Every person an entrepreneur
2 年When reading this, I was thinking about how I would answer, and I observed 3 things: -You could learn about my personality and team approach more deeply than specific hard skills, for good or bad, depending on what the team is looking for -This is less out of the control of the individual than your original question -It may or not me very relevant for the specific tasks being hired for -Many of us have migrated work to more solo-styled work with very fluid teams, for better or worse All in all, I feel like this is more of a career development question than a job skills or specific hiring question. With that said, I can't decide whether it seems better or worse to use than your previous question; maybe it depends on the context. Thank you for sharing- food for thought and practice.
Volunteer @ Career Success Group | Advanced Communications Gold Certificate
2 年I always mention The MIQ in my workshop ?? Les Segarnick aka The Interview Surgeon found on meetup .com,non profit Career Success Group. Now I will into, MIQ, old and new. I have been a fan many years. Les