Elizabeth Bardin
Earth school - Earth travel adventures, Online Creativity programs, Mayan & Astrology Updates, Online Plant programs, personal guidance sessions,
12 APRIL 2021 (2.30 am GMT)
In the sign of ARIES (fire element)
This is an incredibly dynamic New Moon. Fire is always a tricky element to master. It can ignite new things, but at the same time it can easily become destructive and out of control.
At the moment a lot of subconscious anger is coming up - triggered from our bodies to complete and heal past situations where we have allowed ourselves to be harmed, or where we feel shame about past choices and actions/creations.
Perhaps allowing someone or a situation to “steal” something from you. It could be in the form of energy, opportunities, even material things, money. Or feeling shame about something we regret about the past.
What are the options? Actually just one. Forgiveness. Not the other person or situation, but yourself. For being unaware at the time and causing or allowing the suffering (emotional, mental, physical) to occur. And being able to own it all. Yes it would be great to see the injustice being corrected and have it all go up in flames, or to keep regretting and punishing ourselves, but the mature choice is to forgive and let go. To let go of all our unconscious attachment to suffering.
And instead - as a new choice - harness the fiery, creative energy of this New Moon to move forward in the most positive way.
Because opportunities with this cycle will be big and unexpected. Great strides can be made in all areas of your life. You may already have glimmers of this showing up - abundance, projects moving forward, rebuilding or beginning new relationships.
So become very clear about your values and about what is important to you. Reflect and evaluate - choose only those things that are authentically you. Own your own unique and amazing gifts and the fact that you are a creator.
And beware. During this volatile period the mastery of fire requires you to stay out of excesses, judgement, irritation. Where are you still not mastering and being in control of your life? The excesses of fire can harm and burn not only you but also others. Take responsibility for your own life. It is so easy to project frustrations and anger onto others. We all do it.
As uncomfortable as this transition is, we will have much greater power in our lives. Try to stay neutral.
Be kind to yourself and make the conscious choice to be kind to others.
It will serve you well.
And know what is true!
Some helpful questions to ask during this time:
1. Where am I still not being authentically ME in my life? What is truly important to me and my values?
2. How can I reclaim my own power and authenticity? What lies have I bought that somehow I am not valuable or acceptable when I am being that?
3. How can I stay neutral and not allow myself to be drawn into things/situations?
4. How can I harness the dynamic energy of this New Moon to create an amazing life for myself and others?
What will it take for me to stay conscious and not allow myself to be stuck in irritation and judgement instead of using the extraordinary opportunities of this cycle?
What new choices are available for me now - that I have not yet acknowledged - to be the embodiment of a completely new future?
With love and gratitude for the fantastic opportunities of this New Moon!
(Photo: Dramatic skies at the magnificent Carrara Mountains - where Michelangelo found the noble marble for his sculptures - Tuscany, Italy)