Angel Abitha Chi, Bsc MBACP
Semi-retired from the health & wellbeing industry. Now an artist: stand up comedian, host/MC, model, poet, voiceovers, speaker
So I have just facilitated my second healing meditation workshop which was fantastic, by the way. It focused on honoring your divinity; this was also aligned with a new moon meditation which reaches us on the 2nd July 2019. This new moon is also in line with a solar eclipse.
This energy is bringing in a ‘shake it up’ type of energy, a time for us to shake things a little and step up to opportunities. It feels like we need to get that rug from underneath our feet, shake it out and get rid of stagnant energy that is floating around in our lives.
It is a time to really step up with self-care activities, time to nurture yourself on all levels, physical, spiritual, emotional and psychological. Giving yourself what you need in order to navigate through this tumultuous time.
How are you with boundaries? Do you lack them? Well if so, start getting into the practice of setting firm boundaries for yourself, put yourself first, look after yourself and your needs, and make this a priority. When you do this you garner more respect and are more able to be there for others if so choose; our needs count just as much as anyone else’s. Learn to say NO without any apology, explanation or justification.
Once you start this process you will see how you have created more space for opportunities and positivity to enter into your life. Is there a project you have been putting off (although with mercury entering retrograde on the 7th July, this is not a good time to start a new project). However, the project of self-love is one such project that deserves your urgent attention.
As spiritual beings having a human experience we must remember to nurture and feed our soul, when we neglect this part of us, we turn to self-destructive habits that do not serve our highest good. Our souls are crying out for attention, how can we continue to neglect our souls, especially at this crucial time when we are ascending into higher dimensional living? Honoring our divine self is absolutely vital. Tap into your divine self, respect and honor that part of you and you will be greatly rewarded. A feeling of contentment, purpose and fulfillment is yours for the taking, but you have to take it, grab it with both hands. Walking around aimlessly and lost is soul destroying and depressing. You have a choice, choose wisely.
My next meditation will focus on healing the inner child and letting go of fear. Why not join me for another powerful healing experience as we delve into the dark spaces of our psyche and heal some of those wounds, let go of debilitating fear, allowing us to propel forwards in confidence, love and light.