New monster and latest myth

New monster and latest myth

In the blink of the guard's eye, a monster emerged from his glass cage, relying on his ability to fly, disappear, and transform into the vast space outside his prison. In spite of all his abilities, the monster was feeble and required a breadwinner, a house allowing it to divide and multiply, and a carrier that moved him from one place to another. However, it was an intelligent beast who knew his opponent would fight him violently. There is no doubt about that. The monster existence is a threat to his enemy life, future and history, so speed was the best strategy in the attack. And this monster relied on the keenness of his enemy, which is his chosen home and his exclusive carrier, to continue and survive.

The myths and the mankind

Despite the enormous potential of the human mind, this mind was incapable to analyze and comprehend phenomena that were miraculous to him. The human mind stopped at them, amazed, trying to analyze the details, connect reality with collective imagination, and theorize on the basis of assumptions. Man's boundless confidence in his own mind, which obtain the unique advantage of his kind in this world, has left mankind in a state of shock when faced with a state of incomprehension.

Mankind was fleeing his shock of not being understood, and his mind rejected feeling helpless, so mankind inspired his most magnificent creation, the myths. And because myths obtain a land devoid of physical or natural data, the wild human imagination was able to mix his human race with animals and nature in perfect harmony, choosing from them what his body lacked in strength and adding to these powers what it lacked from the mental strength.

This mighty thought power enabled the balanced and harmonious transcendence of earthly laws to reach divine values. This was the fundamental reason for humanity's ability to create myths. At this time, when there was no dividing line or barriers between the physical world of humans and the spiritual world of the gods, this was the same time that human understanding of this world began.

This mighty thought power enabled the first person to realize how big and important they are to this world. It is objective to say that the critical questions captured their minds, and they were wondering where they came from, how life began, what its secret was, and where they were going.

It is undoubted myths represent art through which man studies the events of history and perceives the meaning behind them. The first man's analytical approach to understanding, based on assumptions that were consistent with the nature of his life, was based on his analytical method from the understanding of the natural.

There has always existed within humanity a desire for transcendence beyond material reality that began with human creation and continues to this very day. This transcendent has been carried by different patterns and terms from generation to generation. However, it thoroughly combines into one subject, which is a knowing of what is absent from imperfect knowledge and citing the present on that.

The new monster and the latest myth

On the morning of December 31, 2019, mobile phones began receiving news messages from almost all news sources, with nearly identical messages (reports sent from the health authorities in China to the World Health Organization on December 31, 2019, reported that there was a cluster of unknown viral pneumonia infections). Wuhan, Hubei Province.

Many people did not care at first, and life went on as usual on this day as a routine new year's preparation day, but the news SMSs did not stop, and the matter quickly spread to communication sites and social media, where it began tweeting and lasted indefinitely.

The tweeters' trees, in various languages of their tweets, were full of questions and rumours, and he was a global legend whose stages of birth had begun.

Questioning tweets at first carried a sarcastic smile that meant among humans that this deception would not deceive them. It wasn't long before the messages accelerated and the count of the victims began, and the sound of smiles faded from these tweets, to be replaced by the sound of anticipating fear that's panting to know what's happening. This is the sound of the terrified calm that precedes the storms in legends of terror in all popular fantasies.

As the events unfolded, leaders from around the world began speaking and pleading. Scepticism decreased, panic increased, symptoms appeared all over the world, counters were invented to count the infected and deaths, some countries exaggerated their complaints, while others continued to lie about the cause.

Despite the voices of wise people urging people to come together and unite for the sake of humanity, the tweeters are still tweeting and tweeting and tweeting.

No, it's biological war, no it's economic war, no it's an attempt to reduce the world's population. They're trying to take old people's pension money. It doesn't infect Africans. It was created to eliminate the white race. No, it's a natural, uncreated virus, surely a laboratory-made virus. The white bats are the reason.?No, it is an armoured animal that eats ants living in Asia and Latin America; there is a vaccine; there are no vaccines for these kinds of viruses; there is medicine; no, it is vitamins that have no income in treating even the seasonal flu, and many more other tweets that continue to this day.

In the midst of frantic human efforts to survive, the voices of the leaders of the countries became firmer, and the people's resistance to the laws diminished. They instructed the people to remain at home and cease all activities and work. However, they are allowed to continue tweeting.

In order to reward those obedient people who sat between the walls in voluntary confinement in order to escape this mysterious monster, which claimed millions of lives in a short period of time, the guardians of the free world offered a technological revolution in communications, which enabled us to work, produce, and communicate almost everything we did before the total shat dawn, except for industrialization and cultivation.

As the ancient human myths were violent, our modern myths did not carry the same violence. This myth didn't have monsters that ate the humans' brains and didn't feed on their hearts or ghouls that exposed the ways of travellers to eat them. But it was like our new civilization, fast, renewed, crossing borders and not traced by geography. It is a beast that kills faster than all ogres without violence. Travellers do not find this monster on uninhabited roads, but rather it travels to them and visit them in their cities, schools, universities, and temples.

Human beings are indistinguishable in this beast perspective. It seems that it has learned democracy and equality better than us. There is no preferred type, no preferred age, and no preferred colour. It strikes us all the same way.

One civilization and the revolution in communication

As a result of the fusion of civilizations into one crucible and their overlap, science and technology developed. Civilization will continue to flourish and collapse in the material, moral, and spiritual forms recognized by humans since ancient times up to the time that all of this will stop, except for the attempts of one thing to be an exception to the rule that has become the essential rule, and that is the rise of the branches of a global civilization with various local features to unite in order to build the foundation of the mother civilization under one eye to watch the progress of this merging.

It works merely as the streams join together into one giant river, the branches of cosmic civilization and supernovae continue to grow. This is the equation in which the current great powers act as the destiny of humanity and as the equation that achieves the interests of these great powers in the development of cosmic civilization affected by American and Western influences as a legitimate alternative to the costly culture of occupation, which has proven its failure in all attempts globally, but the sole means for the success of the occupation is occupation minds, not borders... All other countries are trying hard to form an alliance in order to preserve what remains of their cultures...

However, it seems that the time has passed for such efforts, as the international "electronic spring" will inevitably integrate those civilizations into history books and will stop at newspaper articles and intellectuals' notices and writings, as this hypothetical cosmic explosion will bring new galaxies and planets into an interactive virtual world, one of which will be able to preserve virtual human life and recognize the interests of the great powers of that political, social, economic, and intellectual map that this new world will create. As a result, governments today have nothing but clever tactics and policies to select for natural genes and what may one day be known as "bio-geopolitics," which will determine the course of societies and sustainably progress.

Samuel Huntington, in his theory of the "clash of civilizations," did not realize that technology, modern technologies, and humanity's virtual interactive interaction would change social and political patterns to the point of no return and that the clash of civilizations no longer existed altogether.

But this clash of civilizations will become something that all of humanity will work to avoid. Even if it does not have any global impact anymore, the world will be avoiding it as an advertisement for what should replace all civilisations.?

But one thing will remain that will be unaffected by the influence of social networks and the space of the virtual world at list in the short term, which represents the genetic survival of the person who carries the memory of space and time in his genes, no matter how much this person interacts physically with future technologies in a way that changes him from the traditional human image to a non-human stage.

However, this genetic memory could be deleted when science discovers alternatives to our biological instincts and when Homo sapiens falls into the black hole of interactive cyberspace, every human being will need a family, a partner, and children should be made perfectly with the highest technology, but they will not hold the same genetics and they will be replaced by the new era of inhuman power. Fortunately, it is very likely that we will not witness this stage of human life, but it will surely come one day in the next 100 years.

Despite the fact that it lacks bloody violence in many of its chapters, the new myth is terrifying because it strips man of the feelings that distinguish him from the stones. As a starting point, they divided the world into two opposing blocs and divided human loyalty between their countries and their blocs. They then created a global bloc that included everyone (they called it globalisation) and finally prevented the world from moving forward in preparation for the virtual world.


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