A new mindset for electricity grid management

A new mindset for electricity grid management

Eurelectric recently published a new paper entitled Power System of the Future, a call for a “transformative shift” in how the grid is developed and managed, towards “a new mindset” from one based on incremental, reactive investment to one based on ‘anticipatory development. ‘ ?

This new mindset is needed as a system built for unidirectional energy transfer from centralized generation -> TSO -> DSO -> end user shifts to a system with #DERs (#distributedenergyresources) + #prosumers +flexibility -> DSO -> TSOs and more.

For the #electricvehicle chargepoint operator community, complexity and slowness of the grid connection process (which the paper notes) is the largest bottleneck to the rapid and widespread deployment of EV charging.

As Eurelectric writes, quick wins and systemic reform are both needed. It’s good to see an increasing focus on the grid and aligned proposals in the European Parliament common position on the #EletricityMarketDesign and ChargeUp Europe 's paper on Simplifying and Accelerating the Grid Connection and Permitting Process for EV Chargers.

So what does Eurerlectric call for?

1) Fundamentally, move from reactive to proactive grid buildout approach

Currently, network operators are very constrained in what they can invest in, where, based on what criteria and data, and what they can receive remuneration for. ?This is no longer fit for purpose.

  • Anticipatory planning over longer time periods, promoted through digital tools, using available data sets showing the actual activity of DERs and demand forecasts, approved by the regulator, with key end user segments providing input on their plans which the networks can factor in
  • Anticipatory investments need to be permitted, meaning revising DSO budgeting rules, adjust investment caps and considering output/objective based incentives and remuneration, all to encourage the proactive investment needed now, for the coming needs

2) Overhaul the connection request, que management, and permitting systems

In the case of DERs and #EVcharging, projects can be completed quickly (day-weeks) but sit for months -> to years awaiting a connection.

  • Re-assess the ‘non-discrimination’ and ‘connect anywhere’ principles to prioritize & speed up the connection of assets which achieve decarbonization objectives, establish expiry dates or penalties for projects in the que which aren’t advancing, establish a reservation system/fees or a bidding process for space in the que
  • Develop a dedicated & simplified permitting procedure and framework, with KPIs, to streamline and harmonize network operator procedures & timelines and for the public authorities issuing the permits
  • Establish One Stop Shops (esp for HV connections) to centrally coordinate requests between network operator and public authority


3) Properly account for, and use, flexibility in grid planning & congestion management

DERs are treated based on their ‘worst case’ impact on the grid (from both fee-in and consumption perspectives) , but there is now ample data to update these assessments so that the actual benefits flexible assets can bring to the system can be accounted for

  • Invest in digitalization, esp visibility, monitoring, and management tools to harness DERs; build digital systems to enable real-time communication between TSO and DSO – these and related OPEX costs must be recoverable
  • Permit & incentivize widespread use of flexible (aka non-firm) connection agreements, including creation of a comprehensive framework for their use in the #EMD
  • Allow, standardize and scale up the use of Time of Use tariffs (at least static if not dynamic)


4) Improve Data & info exchange and transparency ??

Where is there available capacity on the grid? Requesters don’t know and DSOs respond to requests for connection reactively and on a case by case basis. This is extremely inefficient, time-consuming and costly for both requester and network operator.

  • Encourage robust communication and data sharing between DSOs, generators, consumers and public authorities to support proactive grid planning and investment
  • Develop and host public facing capacity maps (for demand as well as generation), updated at least quarterly
  • Develop common digital platform for use by DSOs and public authorities and centralize all connection requests on this platform


Louise Rullaud

Senior energy regulatory counsel - Offshore wind projects / Power grids / Energy system

1 年

Thanks Aaron Fishbone for your comprehensive and great analysis of Eurelectric report, from a Charge Point Operator 's perspective ! Looking forward to continuing the good cooperation with ChargeUp Europe on grid integration matters (and kudos to Mélis ISIKLI ) ??


