New metroSTOR Organics Cart Enclosure In DC Is a Hit
The George Washington University’s Kogan Plaza is playing host to DC’s first metroSTOR F-Series Organics Cart Enclosure. As meteorologist Kaitlyn McGrath says, these units are turning people’s food scraps into “gold dirt”:?
“By keeping food waste out of landfills, we can help reduce harmful methane that is produced when our food scraps end up in the wrong place.”
Available 24/7, people can drop off their food waste that will then be turned to compost. To help prevent contamination and pests, this organics cart enclosure is accessed with the metroKEY app which users can download via a QR code. Aside from granting access, the app also tells you what can and can’t go into the bin.
Food waste deposited in the carts is taken to big scale composting facilities where both food and yard waste are processed to make compost. Colin O’Brien, Sustainability Associate at GWU says “it’s recycled over a series of months into a nutrient-rich soil amendment that can be put back on farms and gardens in our area.”
Watch the WUSA9 news piece here.