100+ NEW LinkedIn Features for 2022 & into 2023!
New LinkedIn Features for 2022, #NEWLinkedInFeature(s) Kevin D. Turner, TNT Brand Strategist, LinkedIn Expert, LinkedIn Profiles, LinkedIn Optimization, Personal Branding,

100+ NEW LinkedIn Features for 2022 & into 2023!

Updated Regularly: Here are the 100+?#NEWLinkedInFeature(s) captured in the wild so far in 2022 & into 2023!:

Click here to see all the NEW LinkedIn Features for 2023.

 ? [??Connectivity idea] has been added to [Celebrations] to help spark our memories when we are reaching out to our network to celebrate their Job changes, Birthdays or Work anniversaries.    See below for the [Celebrations] back door link added on 11.15.2022  Found in the Wild by Mic Adam  MORE DETAILS 12.28.2022

???[??Connectivity idea] has been added to [Celebrations] to help spark our memories when we are reaching out to our network to celebrate their Job changes, Birthdays or Work anniversaries.

Found in the Wild by Mic Adam

MORE DETAILS 12.28.2022 See below for [Celebrations] back door link11.15.2022

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??[Public] option for Groups, if turned on by Admin, allows indexing, so anyone on or off LinkedIn can view what members post and share in the group. Non-group members can interact with the public group’s content using reactions but can’t add comments, create new posts, or view the Group Member list.

Found in the Wild by Ralph Birnbaum

MORE DETAILS 12.27.2022

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??[Personalized job collections] assists Members in exploring new career opportunities like discovering roles in startups or new locations and industries. This new feature, in testing, will be using AI based on the Members Profile, career history, skills and job search history to provide alternative options taking in considerations for preferences like work-life balance, flexible work arrangements, up-skilling and career growth.

MORE DETAILS 12.23.2022

upload videos with Open Captions (i.e. captions burned directly into the video)

??[Add Auto captions] updated to includes a [ON/OFF Toggle]. ? for ON (the default) or slide over for OFF. This solves the issue for Creators who uploaded videos with Open Captions (i.e. captions burned directly into the video) and then Auto captions created a double caption visual collision.

Found in the Wild by John Espirian & shared by Gillian Whitney

MORE DETAILS 12.21.2022

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??[Welcome message]s can now be automated by Admins of Groups. As shown in example these messages can be edited or updated at any time.

Co-discovered in the Wild with Brenda Meller??

MORE DETAILS 12.21.2022

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??[Market Value Titles] expanded to include popular abbreviations. Market Value Titles are the searchable filters of this database of 875M+ Profiles that create consistent results and are used in Premium, Sales Navigator, Talent Solutions (Recruiter) & Marketing (Campaign Targeting). [In] ranks Profiles higher in search results when they implement Market Value Titles.

??[Location Type] is now added to our [Edit experience] and includes (On-site), (Hybrid), or (Remote). These location types allow further refinement in searches or marketing segmentation.

MORE DETAILS 12.16.2022

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?[Check out other posts from <First name> <Last name>] appears when you [React] or [Comment] on someone's post or [Follow] them.

Found in the Wild by Justino Mora

MORE DETAILS 12.16.2022

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?[Your new connection <First name> <Last name> has <XX> recent updates] has been added to our notifications. Clicking on the (See all) button in that notification will produce a page of all the recent updates linked to the source.?

Found in the Wild by Dan Roth

MORE DETAILS 12.16.2022

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?UX Design Change for info popups of inked Members now have a thin bright blue line around them to make them stand out from the background, which most often is of the same color. This new UX change appears in both Lite & Dark Mode.

MORE DETAILS 12.16.2022

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??[Admin Company page redesign] simplifying the UX

Found in the Wild by Nyna Caputi


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??[Celebrate Your Connection Anniversary] CYCA will pop up in Notifications to announce your connected anniversary, on the day connected, noting many years you've been connected and then inviting you to (Give Kudos)

Found in the Wild by Dan Roth

MORE DETAILS 12.06.2022

? [People you follow] is a new sub-filter under [Post] search making it easier to find the content from those you follow.

??[People you follow]?is a new sub-filter under [Post] search making it easier to find the content from those you follow.

Found in the Wild by Nyna Caputi

MORE DETAILS 12.06.2022

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??[Message] directly has been added at the bottom right corner below each Comment made by a Member who is a 1st Level Connection. This allows Connections to have private direct Messaging or even a Video Call. It does automatically note in Messaging that the 'Connection' commented, the Comment, the comment URL, which can be deleted or left as a reference.

Found in the Wild by Gillian Whitney & Nyna Caputi

MORE DETAILS 12.06.2022

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??[Direct Comment & React] to LinkedIn LIVEs by clicking Notifications link. No more having to work around by going to the Host Profile, Searching Activity, and Clicking into the Comments or using Mobile. This should make LIVEs much more interactive.

MORE DETAILS 12.06.2022

[Top performing posts] shows our posts ranked by impressions gained in the selected time range (7/14/28/90/365 Days) and allows us to download Top 50 Posts with Links

??[Top performing posts] shows our posts ranked by impressions gained in the selected time range (7/14/28/90/365 Days) and allows us to download Top 50 Posts with Links. Requires turning Creator Mode on to get Creator Analytics.

Found in the Wild by Sarah Burgess

MORE DETAILS 12.06.2022

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??[New followers], (including the number of connections and non-connection followers) in the selected time range, was added to the Post impressions, Creator Analytics' Audience tab. Requires turning Creator Mode on.

Found in the Wild by Sarah Burgess

MORE DETAILS 12.06.2022

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??[Updated Exporting] for Creator Analytics allows us to download all our post and audience data and manage in a way that works for you. Just hit the (? Export) icon in the top right corner on both Mobile and Desktop.

Found in the Wild by?Sarah Burgess


 Search Engine Optimization ] SEO for Articles and Newsletters will make it easier for your content creations to be found both internally on LinkedIn and externally on Search Engines like Google. Adding (SEO title) up to 60 spaces & (SEO description) up to 160 spaces to your Articles and Newsletters & its Retro-Capable.
Screen Shot of the 5 Step SEO Process

??[Search Engine Optimization] SEO for Articles and Newsletters will make it easier for your content creations to be found both internally on LinkedIn and externally on Search Engines like Google. Adding (SEO title) up to 60 spaces & (SEO description) up to 160 spaces to your Articles and Newsletters & its Retro-Capable.

Found in the Wild by Andy Lambert

MORE DETAILS 12.06.2022

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??[Rate this translations] allows Member to provide feedback to LinkedIn about their auto-translations based on the Members selected [Preferred language]. Feedback consists of a [5? sliding scale] and a one click feedback for [Don't translate <Language>]


[ <?First Name> follows you ] now appears on profiles that follow you but are not connected to you. This feature provides the Month & Year the Follower began to follow you.  Found in the Wild by Jeff Young  11.29.2022

??[<First Name> follows you] now appears on profiles that follow you but are not connected to you. This feature provides the Month & Year the Follower began to follow you.

Found in the Wild by Jeff Young


[ Employee verification ] allows all Page admins to add the company email domain(s) and real Employees can use the approved emails to verify their employment in order to access the My Company tab, Post a job or show the Company logo connection in their Work experience section of their Profile. Ultimately reducing Fake Employees. Only accessible on Desktop

??[?Employee verification ] allows all Page admins to add the company email domain(s) and real Employees can use the approved emails to verify their employment in order to access the My Company tab, Post a job or show the Company logo connection in their Work experience section of their Profile. Ultimately reducing Fake Employees. Only accessible on Desktop

MORE DETAILS 11.23.2022

Emoji Keyboard added to the Post processing screen.

??[?Emoji Keyboard ] added to the Post processing screen.


? [ Product ] added as a Filter in the Search bar to help us find companies specializing in a specific product.   Right now it is a streaming list of 81K+ Product pages and the [All filters] process to refine results has not been implemented.   Found in the Wild by Donna Serdula  11.18.2022

??[ Product ] added as a Filter in the Search bar to help us find companies specializing in a specific product.

Right now it is a streaming list of 81K+ Product pages and the [All filters] process to refine results has not been implemented.

Found in the Wild by Donna Serdula


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??[?Activity Filter ] allows Company page admins the ability to filter Activity by (Requests +), (Comments +), (Mentions +), (Posts +), (Reposts +), (Reactions +) & (Analytics +) making it easier to engage.


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??[?#QuestionForGroup ] when using this hashtag inside a Group post, the post will be augmented at the top with either '<First Name> <Last Name> asked a question' (if discovered naturally within the group) or 'Question for group' (if discovered in Feed). It appears that both Group Members and Managers may activate this feature. The green shading or red box is not part of the feature. This is designed to increase engagement.

Found in the Wild by John Espirian

MORE DETAILS 11.15.2022

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??[Post Polling] is the latest version LinkedIn is using to help determine if a Post is of value in your Feed. I will appear at the bottom of some post presumably because LinkedIn is trying to determine why it might be of value based on its engagement. This first two options are available in the (Yes) answers and the others are added for the (No) or (Maybe) answers.

Found in the Wild by Justino Mora

MORE DETAILS 11.15.2022

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??[Celebrations] back door link?exposed providing access to Birthdays, Promotions and Work Anniversaries.

MORE DETAILS 11.15.2022

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??[?Newsletter Subscribe invitation] issued to all new Connections & Followers since the date of initial publication and on going, found in the Invitations section of My Network page.


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??[???Add a Link] that launched 08.04.2022 has expanded with two more options [Person] & [Page]. [Person] link will pull in a corresponding Profile photo and the individual name. [Page] will pull over the Company page logo and name. Both have a drop down box and entry box to get the right link and content pulled over without having to type in the URL.

See [???Add a Link] below for more details on how to access this feature.

Found in the Wild by Mark Williams

MORE DETAILS 10.31.2022

[About this profile] empowers us to make safer decisions by having more signals about the authenticity of accounts. Letting us when a Member joined the platform, updated their contact or photo, and if they have verified emails or phone numbers with LinkedIn.

??[About this profile] empowers us to make safer decisions by having more signals about the authenticity of accounts. Letting us when a Member joined the platform, updated their contact or photo, and if they have verified emails or phone numbers with LinkedIn.?Desktop & Mobile.

MORE DETAILS 10.25.2022

3 steps required to set up your [Follow on LinkedIn] plugin button allows Creators to easily share a personalized link or button on your Web Channels, eMail or other Platforms. This button allows anyone to start following you with just a click.

??[Follow on LinkedIn] plugin button allows Creators to easily share a personalized link or button on your Web Channels, eMail or other Platforms. This button allows anyone to start following you with just a click.

Found in the Wild on 10.22.2022 by Nyna Caputi

MORE DETAILS 10.22.2022

 [Standardized Accessibility Job Titles]  added to the experience section of your profile and within the Open to Work section, will signal your interest in this area to recruiters and the broader LinkedIn community.

??[Standardized Accessibility Job Titles] added to the experience section of your profile and within the Open to Work section, will signal your interest in this area to recruiters and the broader LinkedIn community.

MORE DETAILS 10.20.2022

? [Auto Captions] will be automatically generated (English-only for now) when you upload a video on LinkedIn. You can choose to add them as soon as they’re ready, or review and edit them before they’re published to ensure accuracy for your audience.  ? [High contrast] can be turned on when watching videos on the mobile LinkedIn app, which will adjust the colors to improve accessibility for those with low vision or visual disabilities.

??[Auto Captions] will be automatically generated (English-only for now) when you upload a video on LinkedIn. You can choose to add them as soon as they’re ready, or review and edit them (once on Desktop) before they’re published to ensure accuracy for your audience.

??[High contrast] can be turned on when watching videos on the mobile LinkedIn app, which will adjust the colors to improve accessibility for those with low vision or visual disabilities.

MORE DETAILS 10.20.2022

 [?? Create job alert] for a target Company is now featured on a Company's page on the Jobs tab.

???[?? Create job alert] for a target Company is now featured on a Company's page under the Jobs tab.

MORE DETAILS 10.15.2022

3 page PDF on [Subscribe to Company page content], basically the Subscribe ?? has been rung on business pages, allowing Members who choose to follow a Company, to also get notifications when they post content.

??[Subscribe to Company page content], basically the Subscribe ?? has been rung on business pages, allowing Members who choose to follow a Company, to also get notifications when they post content.

Found in the Wild on 10.10.2022 by?Justino Mora

Screen Shot documentation by?Justino Mora?&?Gillian Whitney

MORE DETAILS including a downloadable 3 page pdf with more details including Mobile app screen shots and steps. 10.14.2022

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??[Moderator]s can now be added to the Stage of Company page Audio Events. This will free up the Host as each Mod will have Stage management options. Beta Tested in Europe.

Found in the Wild by? Guy Strijbosch

MORE DETAILS 10.03.2022

? [Follow back] lets you know if the Member's Profile you are visiting Follows you, so you can decide to Follow them back with one click. Located in the [Top card] right under their Followers count.

??[+Follow Back] lets you know if the Member's Profile you are visiting Follows you, so you can decide to Follow them back with one click. Located in the [Top card] right under their Followers count.

Found in the Wild by? Lea ?? Turner

MORE DETAILS 09.25.2022

[Calendly] added to [Messaging] for all Members to easily set attendance to events, one-off-meetings, and even polls. First rolled out as an option for Talent Solutions and Sales Navigator in May 2022, requires a Calendly account, adding the plug in to your Chrome or Firefox browser, and then giving it permissioned access to [In].

??[Calendly]?added to [Messaging] for all Members to easily set attendance to events, one-off-meetings, and even polls. First rolled out as an option for Talent Solutions and Sales Navigator in May 2022, requires a Calendly account, adding the plug in to your Chrome or Firefox browser, and then giving it permissioned access to [In].

Found in the Wild by? Sarah Clay

MORE DETAILS 09.20.2022

[Asking to speak] places Members, who have raised their hand to speak on the stage of an Audio Event, in a special front row section of the audience in chronological order.    Found in the Wild by Moumita Das Roy

??[Asking to speak]?places Members, who have raised their hand to speak on the stage of an Audio Event, in a special front row section of the audience in chronological order.

This eliminates the need for the Host to search the Audience for Members who would like to join the conversation. Hand raising also does not time out.

Found in the Wild by? Moumita Das Roy


? [Mention notification] (tagged) Members or Companies in Articles or Newsletters are now alerted by Notification.

??[Mention notification] (tagged) Members or Companies in Articles or Newsletters are now alerted by Notification.


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??[Auto embed] allows Authors to simply type in or paste the URL of *'approved providers' anywhere in our Articles and Newsletters, then click return or space, and the resource will be automatically embedded.

Found in the Wild by?Ariel Serber

MORE DETAILS 09.14.2022

 [Events] page redesign makes it easier to to find [Your events] both Live and Audio Events you have clicked Attend (current and in the past) and plus ones [Recommended for you].   Found in the Wild by Mic Adam

??[Events] page redesign makes it easier to to find [Your events] both Live and Audio Events you have clicked Attend (current and in the past) and plus ones [Recommended for you].

Found in the Wild by? Mic Adam

MORE DETAILS 09.14.2022

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[Turn on post notifications for ] option pops up after clicking [+Follow] from the list of [Who's viewed your profile].

Found in the Wild by David Petherick

MORE DETAILS 09.14.2022

Learn more about [Creator Subscribe]?the Bell?to gain more control of your Feed by Author.

 [Our featured commitments] is enabling employers to showcase values along with more meaningful content, like reports, certifications, articles, blogs, and videos, on their LinkedIn company page to define their talent brand and values.

??[Our featured commitments] is enabling employers to showcase values along with more meaningful content, like reports, certifications, articles, blogs, and videos, on their LinkedIn company page to define their talent brand and values.?

Found in the Wild by Eli Igra Serfaty

MORE DETAILS 09.13.2022

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??[Open Tab Links] within the content of the Post are not negatively impacting reach, because they open an additional Tab in the Browser.

MORE DETAILS 09.12.2022

[Schedule post] in BETA, will allow Content Creators and Company Page Admins to manage their platform presence, with a native, in-stream scheduling option.

??[Schedule post] in BETA, will allow Content Creators and Company Page Admins to manage their platform presence, with a native, in-stream scheduling option.

MORE DETAILS 09.02.2022

UPDATES from John Espirian 11.19.2022

 [Networking] tab added to every LIVE event you (Attend). Allowing Members to Connect, Message or View attendees'? profile even if they are out of your network. So now every LIVE is a Networking Event.

??[Networking] tab added to every LIVE event you (Attend). Allowing Members to Connect, Message or View attendees' profile even if they are out of your network.?So now every LIVE is a Networking Event.

MORE DETAILS 08.30.2022

? [Pinned comment] allows the Author of a post to pin or unpin one comment at the top of comments section.

??[Pinned comment] allows the Author of a post to pin or unpin one comment at the top of comments section.

Found in the Wild by Jayant Ghosh & myself

MORE DETAILS 08.25.2022

Rolled out to Company pages on 09.18.2022

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[Pinned comment] was pulled on 12.15.2022 for reasons of "low usage" and the Product Owner Temi Obaisi, MPA let me know that it is being redesigned and will be back in an improved from.

Please fill out these two feedback forms to let the product group know what you think would help improve [Pinned comment] (or identify new features you'd like to see or old one you'd like to see fixed), details are appreciated.

1?? Microsoft's hidden LinkedIn Product Group Feedback: ?https://lnkd.in/gNzpwuR9

2?? LinkedIn's little known 'Suggest an improvement" directly to the Product Team:?https://lnkd.in/ggXi_bcA

? [Follow me on LinkedIn] code to generate button linked to setting up a Follow of your account.

??[Follow me on LinkedIn] code to generate button linked to setting up a Follow of your account.

Here's the code for my Profile Follow: https://www.dhirubhai.net/mynetwork/discovery-see-all/?usecase=PEOPLE_FOLLOWS&followMember=president

Here's the code for Nigel Cliffe's Profile Follow: https://www.dhirubhai.net/mynetwork/discovery-see-all/?usecase=PEOPLE_FOLLOWS&followMember=nigeljcliffe

To make your own replace all info after the =, at the end of the code, with your Profile URL last segment designator.

Found in the Wild by Nigel Cliffe


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??[Use a template] allows Mobile Members to create their post based on Templates & Additional Fonts within the [In] app.

MORE DETAILS 08.11.2022

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??[Meet the hiring team] Provides applicants the opportunity to understand who is on the team including the Job Poster, Hiring Manager and Team Members. Also shows the mutual connections (including 2nd-degree connections) between the applicant and the hiring team, to help facilitate a productive conversation.?

MORE DETAILS 08.11.2022

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??[Celebrate] will provide a single resource tab to discover Job changes, Birthdays, and Work anniversaries. Direct clicks to (View post) & (Message).

MORE DETAILS 08.11.2022

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??[Automated Welcome Messages] allows Group Admins to send a joining message to all newly approved members.

MORE DETAILS 08.11.2022

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??[Criteria-based acceptance] streamlines acceptance into a Group based on meeting criteria including Industry, Job titles & Skills.

MORE DETAILS 08.11.2022

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? [Demonstrate Transferable Skills] beta allows Members to illustrate their soft skills by answering a standardized question through either written or video responses. The questions are designed for Members to showcase relevant examples or skills, as well their career motivation.

Found in the Wild by Eli Igra Serfaty & Confirmed by Jeff Young

MORE DETAILS 08.08.2022

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? [Me icon Navigation] and [Slide Select] on Mobile are updated.

Found in the Wild by Eli Igra Serfaty

MORE DETAILS 08.04.2022

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? [???Add a Link] allows Mobile app users to add a clickable link to a post image or video posts. Pinch, Twist & Drag allows you to place the clickable link anywhere on the image or video. Coming to Desktop soon.

MORE DETAILS 08.04.2022

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? [Ukrainian] added to LinkedIn Languages plus Resources

MORE DETAILS 07.30.2022

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? BETA TESTING: [Discover] with?[Tabbed Feed] will separate our Feed by Top, Video, Newsletters, & Events

This dedicated space is to [Discover] relevant content and voices from people and organizations you’re not connected with, who you might not see or hear from otherwise. You can expect to see trending conversations from voices that align with your professional interests, news and relevant events curated by our editorial team, and a wealth of other knowledge designed to help you get ahead in your career.?

MORE DETAILS 07.28.2022

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??[Save this post as a draft?] similar to the way it works on Mobile for several years, is now be implemented on Desktop.

Found in the wild by A N D Y F O O T E

MORE DETAILS 07.28.2022

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??[View connections to ...] allows Members to see up to 10 Top picks from your 1st Level Connections who are connected to the person profile you are viewing.

MORE DETAILS 07.10.2022

[Speaker on stage] provides all Pre-assigned Confirmed Speakers'? network with a notification when the #AudioEvent goes live.

??[Speaker on stage] provides all Pre-assigned Confirmed Speakers' network with a notification when the?#AudioEvent?goes live.

MORE DETAILS 07.12.2022

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??[Add a product as a skill] displays up to three linked Product Icons in the individual Experiences on your profile.

MORE DETAILS 06.29.2022

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??[Share outside LinkedIn] allows Members to share another Member's post directly to Twitter or Facebook or get a copy of the Link.

Found in the wild by Julia Dixon


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??[Comment] or [React] directly on the [Event Post] or the [Event Page] in the?[Comments]?tab, and the Comment now appears on both.

MORE DETAILS 06.25.2022

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??[Funny] Reaction officially launched today so Members can express their appreciation of humor. Expresses that the post made you laugh, felt humorous, or offered light-hearted fun in a professional context.

MORE DETAILS 06.17.2022

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Added to LinkedIn Lives 12.27.2022 discovered in the Wild by Annette Richmond ??

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??[Create a Carousel] allows Creators to upload multiple files, including videos, to create a single presentation that is automated to move through each component file or allows clicking next or back.

First found in the wild by ??Claire M. Davis ????

MORE DETAILS 06.14.2022

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??[Settings & Privacy] pages redesigned?06.13.2022

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??[Blue Circle] added to Messaging with a Number in it to let you know how many unread messages there are for each conversation (See Picture in Comments) 06.13.2022

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??[Repost] allows you to instantly share another Member or Company Post, no introduction allowed and no hyperlink or direct link to the original Post. All the collective Reactions, Comments, & Shares are displayed on the Repost and the Original Post

MORE DETAILS 06.11.2022

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??Engage by [Reaction] on Mobile. Members can click on the Reactions of a Post to see who reacted and then engage with them though a the icons, found in the far right side, [InVite], [InMail], & [Message]. The clock icon is a pending InVite.

First found in the wild by Michelle J Raymond

MORE DETAILS 06.06.2022

[Focused Inbox], in Messaging, intelligently pre-sorts your messages by placing the most important in [Focused], the rest in [Other] and gives us the opportunity to reclassify and train the AI.

??[Focused Inbox], in Messaging, intelligently pre-sorts your messages by placing the most important in [Focused], the rest in [Other] and gives us the opportunity to reclassify and train the AI.

MORE DETAILS 06.01.2022

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Sonal Balh's LIVE replay streaming in our FEED

??LIVEs & their Replays are streaming real time in our FEED. No volume, CC, and a (SEE MORE) button that appears when you put your cursor over the video. Click (SEE MORE) and you get delivered to the Host Profile where the full LIVE event is showing.

MORE DETAILS 04.29.2022

Screen shot of  [Audio events for you] located on My Network page shows the upcoming Audio Events in chronological order. Eliminating the need to try to [ ?? Search] for audio events.

??[Audio events for you] located on My Network page shows the upcoming Audio Events in chronological order. Eliminating the need to try to [ ?? Search] for audio events.

First found in the wild by Michelle B. Griffin

MORE DETAILS 04.29.2022

[Add a website] hyperlink to your Profile's Top card (your introduction section) and optionally use a [Customize link].

??[Add a website] hyperlink to your Profile's Top card (your introduction section) and optionally use a [Customize link]. Must have Creator mode turned on to get this feature.

First found in the wild by Terry Rice

MORE DETAILS 04.23.2022

Visual of the  [Lead Gen Form] allows a collection point of quality leads from members who visit your LinkedIn Page or Showcase Page.

??[Lead Gen Form] allows a collection point of quality leads from members who visit your LinkedIn Page or Showcase Page. Members can open and submit a pre-filled form with their information. Requires a Privacy Policy URL and short statement.

First found in the wild by Mark Williams

MORE DETAILS 04.20.2022

Screen shot of mobile phone app with an Audio Event open, click on the more icon [...] and select the [Turn on captions (Beta)

??[Live Captions] will now be automated for all Audio Events. Found through the More icon [...] drop down box as [Turn on captions (Beta)]

Once turned on, automated real-time captions, attributed to the Speaker by name, will then appear at the bottom of the Audio Event window.

MORE DETAILS 04.11.2022

Screen shot of the [You belong to a group that may be interested in your post] pop up alert.

??[You belong to a group that may be interested in your post] analyzes a current open Post immediately and alerts the Author through a pop up, that this Post may also be welcomed in a Group, that they belong too, with perhaps a more focused audience.

First found in the wild by Michelle B. Griffin

MORE DETAILS 04.06.2022

Mobile screen shot of Company page admin access to manage their page from the LinkedIn Mobile app.

??[Mobile company page management] allows Company page admins the ability to access & manage their page from the LinkedIn mobile app.

First found in the wild by Mic Adam

MORE DETAILS 04.04.2022

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??[Commenting and reacting as] allows Company page Super or Content Admins to comment directly on any post as their Company. Click the dropdown icon ▼ by your mini Profile photo circle icon on the engagement line of any post and click on the appropriate account to comment from.

First found in the wild by Michelle J Raymond

MORE DETAILS 04.01.2022

[Workplace module] has been added to Company pages. This feature allows the Page Admin to display established Workplace policies on the About page while building their employer branding.

??[Workplace module] has been added to Company pages. This feature allows the Page Admin to display established Workplace policies on the About page while building their employer branding.

MORE DETAILS 03.31.2022

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??[Assign skills] allows all Members add their skills to each Work Experience, Degree(s), & Credential(s).



Recruiters using Talent Solutions will be shown a [Skills match] on their search results.

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??[Creator analytics] provides Members who turn on [Creator mode]? with the ability for deeper Analytics on all their Content Activity. Offers the option to filter by Impressions or Engagement with Demographic Sub-filters for Job Titles, Industry, Location, Seniority, Company Size, & Companies. Can be run for the Past 7, 14, 28, 90 or 365 days. Exportable to a .XLSX file to analyze further or save it for your records.

Located in the Analytics section of our profiles right below the Top card.

First spotted in the wild by Moumita Das Roy

MORE DETAILS 03.30.2022

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??[Pathfinder] is LinkedIn Learning’s new process to help Members develop Skills needed to land their target position.

MORE DETAILS 03.28.2022

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??[Auto-generated Captions] for Video and Audio loaded to [In].

First found in the wild by?Gillian Whitney


? [Premium analytics] for [Who viewed your profile], AKA WVMP, now adds the ability to filter the last 90 Days of your Profile visitors by category or refined details within (Company), (Industry) (Location) & (Interesting views).

??[Premium analytics] for [Who viewed your profile], AKA WVMP, now adds the ability to filter the last 90 Days of your Profile visitors by category or refined details within (Company), (Industry) (Location) & (Interesting views).

First found in the wild by Jeff Young

MORE DETAILS 03.08.2022

[Newsletters] for [Company page] have been in beta for a couple of months and have finally beginning rolling out to Company page Admins.

??[Newsletters] for [Company page] have been in beta for a couple of months and are finally rolling out to Company pages with 150+ Followers.

First found in the wild by Michelle J Raymond who has been part of the Beta testing.

MORE DETAILS 03.03.2022

[Future of Skills] free interactive analytic tool allows Members to easily identify the Top 10 Skills within a selected Title, Industry, and Location.

??[Future of Skills] free interactive analytic tool allows Members to easily identify the Top 10 Skills within a selected Title, Industry, and Location.

MORE DETAILS 03.03.2022

[Add a career break] allows a Member the opportunity to define employment gaps and even use as a current position holder to achieve a complete profile at potentially the All Star level. How the [In] dB and Search process values the [Add a career break] and presents it in the results is still unknown.

??[Add a career break] allows a Member the opportunity to define employment gaps and even use as a current position holder to achieve a complete profile at potentially the All Star level. How the [In] dB and Search process values the [Add a career break] and presents it in the results is still unknown.

MORE DETAILS 03.01.2022

? [The LinkedIn Podcast Network] is a collection of shows from selected industry-leading Creators and in-house by LinkedIn News available globally on LinkedIn and also on Apple Podcasts,  Spotify, and many other places you listen to podcasts.  MORE DETAILS 02.25.2022

??[The LinkedIn Podcast Network] is a collection of shows from selected industry-leading Creators and in-house by?LinkedIn News available globally on LinkedIn and also on?Apple Podcasts,??Spotify, and many other places you listen to podcasts.

MORE DETAILS 02.25.2022

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??[Profile video] new and improved over [Cover story] with: 1. Viewers can Follow or Message you from your Profile video, 2. A Blue Ring will appear around your photo on your Profile and within the Feed and Search Results, to help you stand out, 3. New Analytics let you see how many people have viewed your profile video and slice that by additional filters like location or job title (similar to Premium Post Analytics) & 4.Topic Prompts were added to inspire the process.

MORE DETAILS 02.11.2022

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??[ ?? Subscribe bell]?has been added to Groups with 3 options 'ALL new posts,' 'Highlights' the default to get notified of post by people you know, & 'No new post' that only notifies you when a post involves you.

Found in the Wild by?John Espirian

MORE DETAILS?02.10.2022

[Affiliated company] allows your [Company page] to be featured on your [Services page] and a [View services] button to be added to you [Company page], to increase exposure opportunities. New LinkedIn Features for 2022, #NEWLinkedInFeature(s) Kevin D. Turner, TNT Brand Strategist, LinkedIn Expert, LinkedIn Profiles, LinkedIn Optimization, Personal Branding,

??[Affiliated company]?allows your [Company page] to be featured on your [Services page] and a [View services] button to be added to you [Company page], to increase exposure opportunities. Link leads to a 4 Page PDF.

MORE DETAILS 02.07.2022

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??[Employee verification] allows a Company page Super Admin to add an email domain to limit access to the [My Company] tab to verified employees.

First found in the wild by Michelle J. Raymond

MORE DETAILS 02.03.2022

[Hyperlinks] are now recognized on [In]. Viewable on Mobile throughout your Profile and in Posts & Comments on Mobile & Desktop.  First found in the wild by Julia Dixon.New LinkedIn Features for 2022, #NEWLinkedInFeature(s) Kevin D. Turner, TNT Brand Strategist, LinkedIn Expert, LinkedIn Profiles, LinkedIn Optimization, Personal Branding,

??[Hyperlinks], except in the Top card (04.23.2022) or Contact info, are actually a manifestation of the iPhone mobile operating system interpreting and creating the links. Thats why it isn't available on Desktop or Android phones.

First found in the wild by?Julia Dixon

MORE DETAILS 01.26.2022

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??[Microsoft Teams] added to 3rd Party Stream options for LinkedIn LIVE. Bonus: See inside Christian Byza garage.

MORE DETAILS 01.24.2022

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??[Add Newsletter] to the [Featured] section of your profile, so that profile visitors can subscribe and share.

MORE DETAILS 01.17.2022

 ? [Add media] allows [Service provider]s to showcase up to 8 images relevant to their work and experience on their [Services page]. More media formats will be supported soon.

??[Add media] allows [Service provider]s to showcase up to 8 images relevant to their [Services page]. More media formats will be supported soon.

MORE DETAILS 01.10.2022

[Creation analytics] providing Members the ability to slice and analyze the Posts, Polls, Videos, but not Articles or Newsletters. New LinkedIn Features for 2022, #NEWLinkedInFeature(s) Kevin D. Turner, TNT Brand Strategist, LinkedIn Expert, LinkedIn Profiles, LinkedIn Optimization, Personal Branding,

??[Creation analytics] providing Members the ability to slice and analyze the Posts, Polls, Videos, but not Articles or Newsletters.

MORE DETAILS 02.07.2022

[Audio Live Events]  (Beta Testing this January 22) and Interactive [Video Live] Events may arrive in late spring. If you are familiar #Clubhouse  Social Audio and the current state of LinkedIn Live, you know how much interactivity this could bring to LinkedIn Live. New LinkedIn Features for 2022, #NEWLinkedInFeature(s) Kevin D. Turner, TNT Brand Strategist, LinkedIn Expert, LinkedIn Profiles, LinkedIn Optimization, Personal Branding,

??[Audio Live Events]?(Beta Testing this January 22) and Interactive [Video Live] Events may arrive in late spring. If you are familiar?#Clubhouse?Social Audio and the current state of LinkedIn Live, you know how much interactivity this could bring to LinkedIn Live.

MORE DETAILS 01.06.2022

If you want to stay ahead of the LinkedIn Curve:

? Ring My ?? LinkedIn.com/In/President

? Get this ROCK[In] Newsletter lnkd.in/dNpAqTRV

? Watch the Videos & Subscribe youtube.com/@KeepRockingLinkedIn

? Follow these 3 Hashtags #NEWLInkedinFeature #KeepRockingLinkedIn & #TNTBrandStrategist

? Check out these resources:

???15+ HIDDEN LINKEDIN RESOURCES:?lnkd.in/dHh2xsa

???The LinkedIn Timeline: lnkd.in/e2_PdMSw

???40+?#NEWLinkedinFeature(s) 2021:?lnkd.in/dsW-Zan

???50+?#NEWLinkedinFeature(s) 2020:?lnkd.in/gP5xGb6

Thank you and Please?[Comment],?[React]?&?[Repost]?this Article.

Kevin D. Turner @ TNT Brand Strategist LLC

New LinkedIn Features for 2022, #NEWLinkedInFeature(s) Kevin D. Turner, TNT Brand Strategist, LinkedIn Expert, LinkedIn Profiles, LinkedIn Optimization, Personal Branding,
Alan Bryant

Project Coordinator / Pharmacy Technician / Administration / Digital Asset Management / Metadata

2 年

These items display the added content to LinkedIn but does not refer to the items removed by LinkedIn such as "People Who Viewed Your Profile". In the past we were able to see up to 5 people which allowed those that are unemployed looking for a job an opportunity to possibly see who in that company you applied for is noticing you. NOW, being unemployed, LinkedIn wants you to spend additional money on a subscription just to see who looked at your profile. Just another MONEY GRAB from LinkedIn to pay money you don't have. VERY DISSAPOINTED with LinkedIn right now.

Fabulous ideas. I'm exploring each one.

Kevin D. Turner

Brand to Land: Eliminating Personal Blanding? with the Sharpest Tools & Strategies for Your Professional Success. Branding ? LinkedIn Profile Optimization ? Trainer ? Career Coach ? Speaker? Verified Profile ?

2 年

01.05.2023: Just Released the 4th Annual Edition of ?#NEWLinkedInFeature(s) collaborative and with 5 Days [In]to 2023, we already have 6 NEW LinkedIn Features. Thank you to every eagle-eyed [In]thusiasts who spots and documents these NEW LinkedIn Feature(s) in the Wild, then shares with me, so that I can share them with others. #KeepRockingLinkedIn! Kevin https://www.dhirubhai.net/posts/president_newlinkedinfeature-keeprockinglinkedin-newonlinkedin-activity-7016748447034748929-VJ3f

Kevin D. Turner

Brand to Land: Eliminating Personal Blanding? with the Sharpest Tools & Strategies for Your Professional Success. Branding ? LinkedIn Profile Optimization ? Trainer ? Career Coach ? Speaker? Verified Profile ?

2 年

We officially hit 100+ #NEWLinkedInFeature(s) for 2022 Updated 12.28.2022 ??[??Connectivity idea]?has been added to?[Celebrations]?to help spark our memories when we are reaching out to our network to celebrate their Job changes, Birthdays or Work anniversaries. Found in the Wild by?Mic Adam Thank you to everyone who contributed their finds in the Wild & #KeepRockingLinkedIn! Kevin

Dez S. Papp

Talent Obsessed Sourcing Nerd

2 年

Wow, so we made it to 100 (~two features per week), bravo LinkedIn Engineering, even if not all survived or is available everywhere.


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