New Line Item Alert - December 2019
Price List Commentary
Actionable gets a myriad of requests each year to add more lines that reflect the inefficiencies associated with working in confined spaces. Well, good news Insighters, the Pricing Department has heard your requests. In December the Pricing Department added two more confined space line items.
- HVCDCTCS Ductwork – Add-on for confined spaces
- HVCDCTCSF Ductwork – Add-on for confined spaces – flexible
In other news, 9’ tall doors have become more common in new construction and, as a result, the Pricing Department has made the warranted concessions. See these 5 new line items.
- DORDOR9RS Interior door, 9′ – Detach & reset – slab only
- DORSD39FR Steel door, 3′ x 9′ – fire rated
- DORSDF39 Steel door frame – 3′ x 9′ opening
- DORWDBFR9 Wood door, 9′- birch face, fire-rated (mineral fiber core)
- DORWDOFR9 Wood door, 9′ – oak face, fire-rated (mineral fiber core)
Lastly, in the obscure scenario where we are lifting a slab, have no fear, new line items are here:
- CNCSLFTM Concrete slab lifting / raising – slurry mix
- CNCSLFTP Concrete slab lifting / raising – polyurethane foam
Q: Here is my question: In what scenario does slab lifting fall under one of the 16 named perils i.e., when would this activity be performed as a covered incurred cost?
For quick reference, here’s a list of the 16 most commonly named perils:
- Fire or lightning
- Windstorm or hail
- Explosion
- Riots
- Aircraft
- Vehicles
- Smoke
- Vandalism
- Theft
- Falling objects
- Weight of ice, snow, or sleet
- Accidental discharge or overflow of water or steam
- Sudden and accidental tearing, cracking, burning, or bulging
- Freezing
- Sudden and accidental damage due to short-circuiting
- Volcanic Eruption
December 2019 Price List Changes Report
Major changes and new items added
- CNC (Concrete & Asphalt) – Items added for lifting concrete slabs using foam or a slurry mix.
- DOR (Doors) – Items added for 9′ tall fire-rated doors and door frames.
- HVC (Heat, Vent & Air Conditioning) – Items added for an add-on cost to install ductwork in confined spaces.
New items added for the December 2019 price lists
- CNCSLFTMConcrete slab lifting / raising – slurry mix
- CNCSLFTPConcrete slab lifting / raising – polyurethane foam
- DORDOR9RSInterior door, 9′ – Detach & reset – slab only
- DORSD39FRSteel door, 3′ x 9′ – fire rated
- DORSDF39Steel door frame – 3′ x 9′ opening
- DORWDBFR9Wood door, 9′- birch face, fire-rated (mineral fiber core)
- DORWDOFR9Wood door, 9′ – oak face, fire-rated (mineral fiber core)
- HVCDCTCSDuctwork – Add-on for confined spaces
- HVCDCTCSFDuctwork – Add-on for confined spaces – flexible
Price list items modified for the December 2019 price lists
- EQAALARMRemoved “electrical line" from Excluded field of (+) definition, and added material components and modified labor component yield in (+) assembly to include assumptions for electrical wiring.
- EQAASCAdded text to Included field of (+) definition and added components to (+) assembly to include assumptions for electrical wiring.
- EQAASDAdded text to Included field of (+) definition and added components to (+) assembly to include assumptions for electrical wiring.
- EQABLRAdded text to Included field of (+) definition and added components to (+) assembly to include assumptions for electrical wiring.
- EQAGBFAD*Added components to (+) assembly to include assumptions for electrical wiring.
- EQAGBHAdded/Modified text to Included & Excluded fields of (+) definition and added components to (+) assembly to include assumptions for electrical wiring.
- EQAGHCDPH*Added text to Included field of (+) definition and added components to (+) assembly to include assumptions for electrical wiring.
- EQAGLE1*Added components to (+) assembly to include assumptions for electrical wiring.
- EQAGLE3Added components to (+) assembly to include assumptions for electrical wiring.
- EQAGLE5Added components to (+) assembly to include assumptions for electrical wiring.
- EQAGLE8Added components to (+) assembly to include assumptions for electrical wiring.
- EQAGLEDAAdded text to Included field of (+) definition and added components to (+) assembly to include assumptions for electrical wiring.
- EQAGLEP*Added components to (+) assembly to include assumptions for electrical wiring.
- EQAMAC*Added text to Included field of (+) definition and added components to (+) assembly to include assumptions for electrical wiring.
- EQAMCAdded components to (+) assembly to include assumptions for electrical wiring.
- EQAMCG*Added components to (+) assembly to include assumptions for electrical wiring.
- EQAMPLWAdded components to (+) assembly to include assumptions for electrical wiring.
- EQAMRWVAdded components to (+) assembly to include assumptions for electrical wiring.
- EQAMST1*Added components to (+) assembly to include assumptions for electrical wiring.
- EQAMST2*Added components to (+) assembly to include assumptions for electrical wiring.
- EQAMST3Added components to (+) assembly to include assumptions for electrical wiring.
- EQAMST4Added components to (+) assembly to include assumptions for electrical wiring.
- EQAMST6Added components to (+) assembly to include assumptions for electrical wiring.
- EQAMST7Added components to (+) assembly to include assumptions for electrical wiring.
- EQAMSTCAdded/Removed text from Included & Excluded fields of (+) definition and added components to (+) assembly to include assumptions for electrical wiring.
- EQAMSTC>Added text to Included field of (+) definition and added components to (+) assembly to include assumptions for electrical wiring.
- EQAMVSBP*Added components to (+) assembly to include assumptions for electrical wiring.
- EQAMVSVP*Added components to (+) assembly to include assumptions for electrical wiring.
- EQAPCLIFTRemoved text from Excluded field of (+) definition and added components to (+) assembly to include assumptions for electrical wiring.
- EQAPECLDRemoved text from Excluded field of (+) definition and added components to (+) assembly to include assumptions for electrical wiring.
- EQCFOTAdded text to Included field of (+) definition to reference installation labor.
- LITSPOT1Modified (R) activity.
- LITSPOT2Modified (R) activity.
- LITSPOT2MModified (R) activity.
- LITSPOT3Modified (R) activity.
- RFGVENTSMade small modification (additional spaces) to description.
Material components added for the December 2019 price lists
- CNCSTBCHLPChemical grout – polyurethane – 50-gallon drum
- DORSD39ASteel door, 3090 – 90 min. fire rated
- DORSDF39Steel door frame – 3090, welded
- DORWDBFR9Wood door, 9′ – Comm.- Birch face, 90 min. F.R. (fiber core)
- DORWDOFR9Wood door, 9′ – Comm. – Oak face, 90 min. F.R. (fiber core)
Green items added for the December 2019 price lists
- DORSD39FRSteel door, 3′ x 9′ – fire rated
- DORSDF39Steel door frame – 3′ x 9′ opening
Future changes and additions to look for in upcoming price list publications
- Item for a recessed dryer vent box.
- Review of laminate flooring items (including modification/consolidation of items if needed).
- Material only item(s) for gloves and bags used in hazardous material remediation.
* Signifies changes to multiple items with similar selectors.