New Life Coaches: How to Get Started Blogging
Cynthia Trevino
Helping Women 50+ Turn Their Wisdom into Client-Attracting Content | Content Strategy | Marketing Coach | Teaching You ? The Simple Content Roadmap | Find the Right Words, Call in Clients & Avoid Endless Content Creation
As a brand new life coach, would you like to get started blogging, so you can bring dream clients to your website and start relationships with them?
Do you feel like throwing your hands up when it comes to marketing your services, let alone blogging?
You’re not alone! You’re in the right place.
Today’s post shares 5 action tips for how to get started blogging and just because you’re special to me, 6 business-growth benefits of blogging. So grab your fave coffee, wine, or tea, and let’s dive in!
Blogging regularly is huge, whether you’ve been a coach or consultant for some time, or you’re just starting a business because you lost your job due to COVID.
Here’s why, in today’s jam-packed world of online content your potential clients are searching for help, ideas, and shreds of meaningful advice.
Along with millions, your clients are looking for bite-sized insights that explain how to solve their problems. They're scrolling, looking for glimmers of hope so they can get unstuck.
Your future clients are typing questions into search engines and social media sites like LinkedIn or Facebook. Not only are they looking for inspiration, they’re looking high and low for a life coach like you who understands their specific situation.
Your ideal clients, the people you impact better than any other coach, are seeking signals that you’re not only an expert, but that you *get* them.
Gotta tell you, blogging’s a golden strategy to do just that!
Stay with me because you’ll find out how to get started blogging, so you can grow your audience, no matter where you are in your business.
Feeling overwhelmed about how to get started blogging?
If you feel like a deer in the headlights when it comes to creating weekly content for your blog, I’m excited to share my best blogging-weekly recommendations with you.
Honestly, posting a fresh blog each week on your website is one of the best ways to boost your ability to get on the radar of dream clients who don't know you yet.
What does ‘getting on their radar’ mean? Glad you asked….
… Becoming visible online via your website, after you publish new blogs frequently
… Attracting potential coaching clients to your site because readers discover that you share cool content each week
… Establishing your credibility each time you share your valuable expert knowledge on your website
…Creating a ‘touch point’ after you first meet someone who needs your services, by sending them a blog post link via email
… Parsing up snippets of your blogs and sharing them on social media so dream clients can find you
Doesn't that sound delightful? That’s what I want for you—so happy you’re here!
As we dive in, let’s get on the same page about how terrific it’ll be for your coaching business once you get yourself into the blogging-regularly habit.
Even though you want to show up by publishing content for your audience of future clients, does blogging appeal to you about as much as bungee-jumping?
I get it. I felt like this when first starting out with blogging. The truth is, it gets easier, I promise you.
Let’s zip through the business benefits you’ll enjoy after you begin showing up regularly for your blog readers, a.k.a., future clients.
6 Awesome benefits to blogging weekly
Benefit #1) You open the door for building relationships with dream clients.
Unlike entrepreneurs who sell tangible products or apps, as a woman marketing your services, nurturing client relationships is the backbone of your business.
Because you work one-on-one with your clients as a coach or consultant, they must get to know you, trust you, and like you.
As a life coach, wellness coach, or consultant, when you’re beginning to publish content online, much of your audience doesn't know you yet. Therefore, your job with your blog posts is to make it easy for readers to get to know you better. You can do that by sharing your ideas, lessons, and approach to coaching.
How do you do that? Use your blog posts for…
- Suggesting advice in baby-steps, the way you would if a potential client was sitting next to you
- Teaching blog readers your best tips and mini-tools for coping with long-standing problems
- Giving them a *virtual* kick in the pants, on the days they need it
- Sharing snippets of what’s it like to work with you in some posts
Publishing your unique content on your website each week is a super-effective way to engage with readers, some of whom will blossom into all-important client relationships.
To engage with your readers means:
Folks with the pain points you help solve find your profile on social media, click to your website, read a blog or two.
They like how you explain solutions.
Dream clients will feel like you’re speaking their language. Like you’re singing their song.
They join your email list.
Your relationship with future clients begins.
Benefit #2) You’ll develop a healthy habit of creating content.
As a solopreneur, you’re the chief-cook and bottle-washer, right? You’re also the idea creator for your business. The inventor of new ways to solve old problems, and more.
Here’s the reality, you’ll always need to further develop your thinking and your viewpoints about serving clients. Happily, blogging is an awesome strategy because it helps both you and your readers.
- The writing part keeps you in practice because you’re sharing your insights, experience, and your knowledge in each post.
- And, you serve your readers by educating, inspiring, and lifting them up in each blog post
As your consulting business grows, you’ll want to offer different types of packages to your clients. Once you get a handle on how to get started blogging, it becomes your *test bed* for new ideas for services and programs.
Consider this, you can create awesome blog articles with your new concepts, and see how both readers and list subscribers respond.
Benefit #3) After you learn how to get started blogging, this happens
Not only do you want to learn how to get started blogging weekly, you want to build your email list. As a reminder, with an email list you can directly reach your fans, followers, and future clients whenever you wish.
Your email list is your built-in bridge to building client relationships.
The problem with relying on social media is this: the Facebooks of the world change algorithms constantly. You can’t always get your amazing content in front of your fans.
That’s where good old email comes in handy. With your list of wonderful folks, you can send a love letter of juicy tips to your subscribers whenever you’d like to.
Benefit #4) You’re giving future clients a glimpse of what it’s like to become a client or student in your program.
You're explaining what works and what doesn’t work for the problems you solve— as only you can.
You’re helping potential clients to feel motivated to take baby steps toward solving their biggest, peskiest problems.
Benefit #5) You’re *serving first*, because...
When you share stories and anecdotes of your experiences and expertise—all to benefit your blog readers--you're serving first. You’re putting your audience first, by coming from a place of service.
You’re talking about what’s keeping them up at night, aren’t you? Yes you are, because you're a purpose-driven entrepreneur. You're a life coach who wants to share value so you can increase your credibility.
Benefit #6) Each week when you publish your amazing post, you achieve this
With each fresh post, you’re increasing trust with your audience because you’re showing up for them. Not only are you showing up for them, you're having a conversation with them. You're talking to your dream clients as if they're sitting across the table from you.
Now that you're up to speed about how you can get started blogging, let's switch gears so you can set yourself up for client attraction success.
Take these 5 actions to begin blogging like a boss
Action #1) Do this first
Get inspired. Read messages from happy clients about how you’ve helped them overcome problems. Refresh your memory about their stories, so you can share them (anonymously) in your posts.
Action #2) Describe this person
In each blog post, speak to your dream client. A powerful way to tap into her situation, is to review your dream client description, or story, before you write each weekly post. Check this post for more information about describing your dream client.
Action #3) Calendar this
The best way to accomplish your weekly actions is to calendar them, right? Yes!
So, treat yourself like you’d treat your clients. Be committed. You’re blogging so you can show up for your dream clients and for yourself, so you can grow your business.
Schedule your blog creation dates on your calendar.
In your calendar, schedule these activities...
- Outlining your blog topics
- Writing your rough drafts
- Picking out images for each post
- Uploading your final draft to your blog, formatting, and publishing it
Keep this commitment to yourself to create your weekly blog posts.
Action #4) How to know what to talk about in your blog posts
When choosing topics to talk about in your blogs, take a walk in your dream clients’ shoes.
Ask yourself what she wants help with today…
- What persistent pain points are they struggling with?
- What barriers prevent them from taking the right steps to solve their problems?
- Which mindsets are keeping them stuck?
Remember, when you serve first you start out by sharing what your clients *want* to learn. Share baby steps they can take to move closer to the better version of themselves they want to be.
Second, you can teach them what they *need* to know.
Answer specific questions your dream clients have in each post. Even though you’re explaining small steps they can take, go deep. By sharing your unique expertise and being generous with your knowledge, you’re building trust.
What’s more, you want future clients to get to know you as a person, when they read your posts, don't you?
Action #5) After you publish each blog post, do this
Use tools to schedule snippets from your blogs, promoting your blog posts on social media.
Share a snippet from your blog post here on your LinkedIn status updates.
Then, add a link to your Facebook Page post that encourages your followers to click to your blog post on your website.
Don't forget to research and choose hashtags for each social platform. Of course for Twitter and Instagram, hashtags have always been key.
Now, hashtags are equally key on LinkedIn and also Facebook's on the hashtag bandwagon.
Facebook’s encouraging you to use hashtags on posts by taking them into consideration when deciding who to show your posts to.
Restarting your blog?
Good on you for deciding to get back into blogging! Here are two key tips that will help to keep you on track.
Mindset shift. Get clear about what caused you to abandon blogging before. How can you develop a new habit, to solve that?
Delegate. Put a solution in place so you don't have to deal with the work you dislike. Before, what activities did you procrastinate about doing?
Was it…
After writing your post, you did it all— choosing images, editing, posting, and formatting?
Can you delegate the admin tasks to a virtual assistant (VA)?
You can find VAs on freelancing platforms like
Why you need an editorial calendar, even if you don't know what it is
While it sounds complex, an editorial calendar simply lists each blog topic you plan to create.
You can think of it as a blog topic content calendar. When you feel stuck about what to put in your blog post, your topic calendar's a lifesaver. Trust me, there will be days that you feel unmotivated to write your blog.
When your mindset is anywhere but on creating content, you’ll thank yourself for creating your trusty *content calendar*.
Let's look at how the New York Times does content creation, which is their complete business.
Every year in the fall, the Times staff gets ready for the coming year by developing an editorial calendar.
Looking at the key events for each month, editors and journalists determine which topics to write about.
For example, in January NY Times readers, like all of us, are looking to get over the December holidays hangover.
So, reporters write about losing weight, budgeting to pay credit card bills that are piling up, and what to do when New Year’s resolutions don't pan out.
You can do the same, and set yourself up for being prepared and inspired. What are the top concerns for your audience in February, March, and so on?
- If you’re a relationship coach, February, Valentine’s Day is a biggie. You’ll craft hopeful posts to help your audience through a tough time, if they’re searching for a partner.
- If you’re a weight loss coach, January’s posts will be heavily focused on keeping your readers from getting down on themselves for holiday overeating. In February, you’ll remind them to stay on their healthy-eating paths.
- As a consultant, you’ll craft blog posts based on the issues facing your clients’ businesses in each quarter or month.
- Are they doing budgeting in the fall?
- Do they need to know how to search for app developers, or working on team building?
- Are they looking to improve their skills at managing a remote team?
Don't like the topic you have lined up for this week? No worries my friend, just swap this week’s blog topic for one that fits your mindset today! After all, you’re the boss.
Write this on a sticky note. Attach it to your planner
Blogging isn’t about you.
It’s about sharing insights to help your dream clients inch toward becoming the better person, parent, business owner, partner, teacher, leader they want to be.
Blogging, like marketing, is…
Serving. So you can help yourself to become inspired when you remind yourself, that you’re not *marketing* or *blogging*.
You’re sharing bits of inspiration, motivation, and baby-steps that help your ideal clients, students, or customers to shift.
How to determine what your dream clients are looking for
Believe me when I tell you this, you know what your dream clients want to read about today. You do, because you know them so well. I love doing a brain dump, which means getting each and every blog topic idea out of your beautiful brain and onto paper. Including the *seeds* of ideas!
- Find the coziest place in your home, away from your desk, and get comfy.
- Maybe it’s a spot outside if you have a balcony, yard, or patio.
- Try journaling your ideas, writing by hand.
Key reason? That way, you won’t be distracted by your smartphone chirping with a text (that can wait). You’ll avoid getting drawn into scrolling through Facebook. Better still, you’ll let your emails wait till later.
I know, it’s a big ask—remember, you’re doing this blog-topic prep work for the benefit of two VIPs: you and your future clients.
Final thoughts on how to get started blogging
Educating (serving) your future clients is the reason you blog—or create content weekly, right? You want to win the attention of more of your dream clients so you can connect with them and grow your audience.
Next, you can increase your email list by inviting your followers and blog readers to download your valuable freebie (lead magnet).
The best news? Now you’ll have more of the right kinds of students, clients, and customers on your list, and primed, excited to enroll when you launch your next program!
I hope you have lots of ideas for your upcoming blog topics!
Wishing you inspiring ideas for your next blog posts,
~ Cynthia
Looking for content creation lessons and inspiration?
This free (and highly detailed) cheat sheet gives you 5 simple step-by-step strategies to help you create content that aligns with your dream clients' needs.
(AND gives you a shot of confidence so you can bring in your ideal clients consistently!)
Click here to get the complimentary cheat sheet
5 Essential Steps to Know Your Dream Clients.
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