The new Leonardo da Vinci of Strava? | October 23 Newsletter

The new Leonardo da Vinci of Strava? | October 23 Newsletter

In this update, we talk…

?? Sweet treats and social inspo || Ironman time ??

?? Norwich City FC x Samaritans || Storytelling techniques ??

?? Mouthwatering food || Seen Social recap ??

Six social showstoppers: Confectionery and sweet treats

Fancy some social media inspiration from wider industries?

In the latest round up of #SeensSixSocialShowstoppers series, we’re shining a light on some incredibly sweet brands that we’re loving a choco-lot.

Show me the social showstoppers shortlist >

Will Ozzi become an Ironman?

This Saturday (21st), Ozzi will be participating in the Cascais Ironman 70.3.

If you don’t know what that is - it’s a gruelling triathlon consisting of a 1.9km swim, a 90km bike ride and a 21.1km run.

In aid of Cancer Research UK,?Adam?returned the challenge to spell out ‘Seen’ on Strava, with Ozzi’s attempt below.

“Training has been extremely enjoyable, and something to put my mind to other than work. I’m very excited, but also a little nervous - so let’s see what Saturday brings! Any donations at this stage would be hugely appreciated!”

To read more about Ozzi’s challenge and to make a donation, visit his fundraising page >

Food glorious foooood! ?? ??

You probably know by now that we’re all HUGE foodies here at Seen…

Whenever we get approached to shoot food or drink, we jump at the chance.

Knowing full well that someone’s got to eat it after!

Waste not want not, ay?

Take a glance at a collection of snaps from a few recent shoots, guaranteed to get those taste buds tingling…

October’s Seen Social was a blast! ??

A big thank you to those who joined us for a fantastic evening!

What we attempt to create for Seen Social meet ups is the opposite of the usual stiff networking events. And so when we receive feedback like this, it makes it even sweeter…

“The total opposite of your average stuffy corporate event - a buzzy and relaxed evening of burgers and cool people.”

It was great to hear from Alex Stewart about his career journey in content, and the importance of audience building.

Shout out to Neil and his team at The South Downs Social for hosting us at their amazing venue for the evening.

Go check out the video of the evening below, created by Gaussian Films.

(It’s probably about time we bring Seen Social to London…??)

Storytelling: How to captivate your audience

As humans, ‘storytelling’ is innate.

Fully ingrained in our genetic make-up, and for centuries has been an integral way for us to pass on wisdom and communicate to each other.

Even in today’s digital age, the art of storytelling transcends technological advancements. Playing a pivotal role, providing brands with an essential opportunity to connect with their audiences on a more emotive, human level.

We’ve highlighted a handful of practical tips to help craft compelling narratives to leave a lasting impact on your audience.

Check out this recent blog, with three examples of powerful storytelling in action >

#SeenCoolCampaigns - Norwich City FC x Samaritans

We wouldn't necessarily describe this one as a 'Cool Campaign'.

But there’s no doubting the impactful message and emotional delivery.

Norwich City?Football Club partnered with the?Samaritans?to bring you this heartfelt story for World Mental Health Day.

Reminding fans to remember to reach out and connect with those close to them…

“At times, it can be obvious when someone is struggling to cope. But sometimes the signs are harder to spot. Check in on those around you.”

If you haven't yet seen this video, it’s well worth a watch.

*Trigger warning: The video addresses the topics of mental health and suicide, and may be disturbing for some viewers.*

Thanks as always for taking the time to read our newsletter!

We look forward to catching up soon.

Ozzi, Adam and the Seen team ??


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