New Leadership
Now we are finally there. After over one year we seem to approach an "end" of the COVID-19 pandemic and with it the "new normal". But what will this "new normal" be like? How will companies shape the future of the modern workplace after we experienced a massive push into remote work and which skills are relevant for CIO′s and leaders?
This is a good opportunity to define the terms mentioned above in the context of the modern workplace since these are often mixed up in the daily business.
The workplace as we knew it before the pandemic is gone, deal with it. Regarding to a Bitcom study 55 percent of all jobs in Germany could at least partly delivered from home. In addition, there are new regulations which are ensuring that the home office will become an essential part of our future working environment. Therefore, hybrid work will be part of the new work and will become the new normal. Since we have now used all buzzwords in one sentence, let me point out the challenges which come with hybrid work, assuming that the technical enablement is already done.
Change management will become the key competency for CIO′s and leaders to master the future challenges of hybrid work. The reason is simple: technological enablement of remote work - if done right - is finished after a short amount of time.
"Change management will become the key competency for CIO′s and leaders to master the upcoming challenges of hybrid work."
Culture however is not a feature companies can implement - it comes to life through your employees. But many leaders are overwhelmed because established processes and routines getting obsolete. The consequence is that many need to develop a new approach about how to manage their virtual teams. But the new normal is not about not making any mistakes, its about how you deal with them and develop your company and employees. Hybrid work can only be successful as team. In the following I would like to present some good practices to initiate the cultural change.
"...the borders between life and work are getting blurred more than ever before."
Leaders have an important role in initiating the cultural change that is necessary to master the challenges of the new normal. They can accelerate and reinforce new working habits if they lead by example. However, this can only be successful if they individually promote and develop the skills of their employees and show emotional intelligence.