A new language = A new culture
David Bovis, M. npn
Keynote Speaker | Future of Corporate Transformation & Leadership Development | Sustainable Culture Change | BTFA Creator | Masters - Applied Neuroscience
Leaders around the world want to build cultures where profits and people thrive.
BTFA provides the language leaders need, to understand brain-change and how that impacts organisational change, leadership and performance, at a cultural level.?
Edwin van den Berg - VP Lean Academy - GKN Aerospace
"A Masterpiece!"
"BTFA is giving us key insight into engaging our colleagues with change management and is now a key part of the Lean Operating Model deployment at GKN Aerospace. We will go deeper with it and are now working with Duxinaroe’s new online course, integrating the learning and building on it. It’s fun to do, gives great insight and I truly think David Bovis and Levent Türk have built a masterpiece! Well done Guys!'
BTFA is set to transform the world of change!
By plugging a gap most are yet to realise is there!
Over the last 50 years or so, the brains in leaders skulls, all over the planet, have been conditioned to follow popular performance improvement methods, like Lean, Agile and Six Sigma.
That's just how it works. Brains are imprinted by what they are exposed to, when surviving the environment. What the community comes to 'approve of', or what is promoted, by those with authority and power, becomes 'the norm'... accepted.
In the world of organisational change the normalised method, typically follows the following pattern ...
Total 15 - 25 years
Results - infinitely variable, depending on the leader's beliefs, the market/sector the company plays in, and the cycles of change in government dogma and global economic challenges.?
Generation after generation, discovering the 'tools' for the first time (step 1), become convinced they're the first to find 'the answer', and post enthusiastically on social media, about 5S and Flow. Those at step 2 and 3 feel superior, convinced they're advanced in their thinking and making progress in their knowledge and career, while those at the other end of the cycle, look back at steps 2&3 as 'interesting memories', while running out of road (& often enthusiasm for change), once they get to 'Culture eats strategy for breakfast' (step 4).
At this point in the persons career, they find few can offer an informed definition of culture ... enthusiasm wanes as they realise 'support' looks like more logical, project managed tools and surveys... which didn't change culture (as promised) at Step 1. and they've been through all this before ... it's only the names that change, not the approach. i.e. Same Sh*t different day!?
Everyone, at every step, thinks their approach is the solution to the other 3 steps, and as long as they keep paying the bills, remain firmly stuck in their particular version of 'the rut'.
Once presented like this, it seems obvious to everyone we talk to, that the "step 1 -to- step 4 cycle", is entirely backward, compared to the pattern of events that led to the creation of the tools we're expected to project-manage into organisations.?
i.e. Starting beyond the far end of our road in the picture above ... Let's consider the tools in the market, inspired by 'Toyota', and work backwards, to see how they came about ...?
BEYOND CULTURE: In Japan, home of Toyota Motor Corporation, Shinto is a philosophy, comprising influence from Buddhism, Taoism & Confucianism. The language comprises Kanji characters.
It is this belief system and understanding through a language formed of Ideograms / Pictograms, that contributed significantly to the culture. Being all pervasive as culture is, it's this belief system, leading to high levels of 'respect' in society, underpinned by the language, which conditioned the brains of Sakichi and Kiichiro Toyoda, Taiichi Ohno and Yoji Akao ...
This is important if we consider the mindset of the Automatic Loom Company founder, his son and co founder of Toyota, their 'main man' in Ohno San, and the originator of Hoshin Kanri (Yoji Akao), of any importance in respect to the foundations of Toyota's philosophy, related developments and on-going success in a VUCA world... for some 90 years!?
It's also important if we consider the psychological and neurological influence of culture over the adult human brain forming beliefs & assumptions about 'goodness' and the subsequent thinking, feelings, decisions, system design and actions, that follow, in the climate and culture such beliefs encourage leaders to create.
THIS SIDE OF CULTURE: Ohno San went on to execute strategy, using the philosophically aligned Hoshin Kanri model, created by Yoji Akao (who also created QFD), to lead Toyota, in ways that empowered people, like Shigeo Shingo, to develop tools and methods that enabled some of the most efficient & sustainable ways of managing a factory that have been achieved on the planet to date .. even through global recessions, pandemics and wars.
Importantly, this has not only been possible in Japan, but has been replicated in other Toyota factories around the world, embedded in different country level cultures. e.g. NUMMI.
So, do you start with Tools, where the Toyota team ended up? Do you start with systems and strategy, often with design influence from a different belief system and cultural back-drop, do you start with climate and culture .. or do you train your leaders to understand all of this, by understanding the way brains are imprinted and conditioned, when surviving their environment?
Of course, that's a loaded question. Most organisations already have activities underway to address tools, production, productivity, tactics, strategy deployment, climate and culture .. in fact, in our forward thinking CSR world, we actively promote multiculturalism, requiring we need something all of human thinking, inspired by multiple belief systems, can align to and define as 'Good'?...?
Such fundamental alignment is the only area of development, as yet untouched. Mainly because the need to address it hides in plain sight. it's the elephant in the room!?
Where leaders can't replicate Shinto or Kanji, to recognise the importance of "Respect for humanity" as underpins every thought, word and deed within Toyota, (arguably a big part of the philosophy that underpins their success), we, in the West, can now use 'Brain Science' as our common language, presenting, as it does, FACTS about people and performance, that we can all believe in.?
Philip Holt - Global SVP OpEx - GKN Aerospace
"You cannot make change using PDCA alone. Using PDCA might seem logical and is seductive to us engineers in particular, but it ignores the human factors at play. Logical methods must be complemented with an understanding of the Bovis Cycle - BTFA (Believe-Think-Feel-Act), and the interplay that is happening as human beings experience change, and logic becomes secondary to their instincts.
As well as leading a global transformation programme for GKN, Philip has done the same for Phillips bv. in the past and is the author of a number of?best selling books on Lean!
Leaders learn to use a new lens to understand the emotions behind performance, so they know what's required to create the conditions in which everyone's brain can learn, do its best work and seek to improve, continuously.
Colin Lloyd - Head of Business Excellence - Element 6 (a De Beers company)
"Mind Blowing!"
"It would not be an exaggeration to say the 5-week BTFA on-line course has fired my thought patterns ablaze! Both the richness of the content, the presentation style, the depth of knowledge, and the weekly conversations with peers and the course designers, in the community space and office hours was ‘mind-blowing’ (and it’s a course rich in neuroscience!)."
Michael Jacobs - Senior Consultant - Capgemini Invent
"The course is definitely something that just keeps giving.
There hasn't been a day that's gone by since, where I haven't been able to pull something from this course and apply it to helping clients. Couldn't recommend it enough."
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