A New Kind of GREAT Day
Barry Lewis Green
Educator, Speaker, Coach, Writer, Creator ... advancing Character Leadership and Education ... to move forward together, stronger ... engaging change.
“A master in the art of living draws no sharp distinction between his work and his play; his labor and his leisure; his mind and his body; his education and his recreation. He hardly knows which is which. He simply pursues his vision of excellence through whatever he is doing, and leaves others to determine whether he is working or playing. To himself, he always appears to be doing both.” --- LP Jacks
This post of mine, this day, is inspired by LP Jacks and by an article I stumbled upon ... on why we should all give up on goals already. It was noted by Joe Calloway, whom I consider an "unofficial" mentor of mine... whether he thinks so or not. I truly admire and appreciate Joe's work and I am glad I stumbled upon this post he shared, this very day. It was not unlike finding that missing piece to a larger puzzle that helps bring greater clarity and focus to the bigger picture.
First though, I strongly suggest you read the article noted above. In it, among so many other things, I found this notation.
- “Goals in themselves aren’t bad,” says Lisa Ordonez, vice dean at University of Arizona’s Eller College of Management. “It’s how we treat them.”
I subsequently posted this response on LinkedIn.
- “Goals in themselves aren’t bad,” says Lisa Ordonez, vice dean at University of Arizona’s Eller College of Management. “It’s how we treat them.” is what also struck me... how we reference them... our relationship with them... even understanding their true nature. I think nature always provides great examples. The hunt is a great metaphor for me. A wolf does not consciously say, I must get a deer today. It goes hunting. That may be an over simplification, I am sure... but for me it speaks to what I am hearing and I like the thought and post. Thanks.
Joe responded back with...
- I think the wolf analogy is dead on. Great perspective.
It all got me thinking. First, of this post from some time back in the early days of my road back from stroke; dated March 7, 2016. In it, I referenced the question that had been dropped into my head and heart, at the time.
- What if I only have 90 days?
I remember those moments so very well, and yet had somehow forgotten the deep impact of those days... forgotten it on a daily basis since, anyways. The normalcy of life has a way of getting in the way of such remembrances at times. But these past few months, I have been revisiting same. Then, today, the post on getting rid of goals... well it was that piece... of the metaphorical puzzle.
- What indeed and in deed, if I did have 90 days?
I think what occurs to me now is that we might want to refresh our understnading of what goals truly are and are not. They should not be contrived. Indeed, after reading the post and reflecting on my wolf and hunt metaphor, I had a moment to reconsider a goal system I developed some time back called GREAT ... which I have referenced in several blogs such as this one on That GREAT Promise.
I still like the flow of it:
BUT... I am also reminded today of my years with Dale Carnegie & Associates. Indeed, Dale Carnegie himself suggested that we live in day tight compartments; essentially because that is where we actually live. I understood and understand that ... and the post today brought me a new angle on it.
What if we are The Wolf; again metaphorically speaking? What if we simply and innately knew what we were? What if we knew what we were called to BE and DO, naturally? Martha Beck has written that our career is our sum total body of being and doing in this life thus far, and going forward. Richard Bolles has written that our mission in life is not unlike walking amidst a fog and walking and trusting one step at a time... and, in so doing, we get there... with each trusting step. Indeed, this favorite prayer of mine (and the one I dedicate to my sister I have not yet meet who passed before me) speaks to that process, me thinks....
I think the wolf trusts in such a way, innately; naturally. So, what if we first did the work of getting clear on our wolf... our BEING and DOING? What if I challenged you to take some time to look at your life thus far and identify your KAOS accumulated to date? KAOS is a twist on the HR acronym of KSAO which stands for knowledge, skills, abilities and other (temperament and character). So, what if you took some deliberate effort and time to inventory your KAOS to date, in life? What knowledge have you accumulated? What skills? What abilities? What aspects of temperament and character have you honed?
Get clear on defining your real and actual self by inventorying your KAOS. Create and ponder that expansive list and then consider.
Use this model to look at your KAOS list and place:
- What you are good at...
- What you love...
- What you can be paid for...
- What the world needs...
Effectively, map out your KAOS into these sectors. Then, see where that meeting place in the middle is... why? Well, you are defining your wolf nature in doing so, is my humble and considered suggestion. You are getting clear on your BEING and DOING.
Why is that relevant? I am suggesting that once you get a working draft of the wolf unfolding, you have your only real goal. Be that. Then, on a daily day tight compartment basis, ponder a new version of GREAT.
- GET ... based on who you are and what you do, what do you need to GET done today.
- RELEVANCE... how does that powerfully relate and have resonance for your one goal of BEING and DOING? This one is a fixed point, really. You are always relating your "get" to your natural BEING and DOING.
- EXECUTE... what actions do you need to take on to go get it today?
- ASSESS... on a scale of 1 to 5 (5 being DONE), at the end of the day, measure your getting it done; and be prepared to reset.
- TIMEFRAME... this is another fixed point... today... 24 hours. That is your time frame; those day tight compartments.
For me, this is fitting the post and this idea about questioning our arbitrary goals. Our goal is to BE and DO, as we are. It is about Integrity.
Living your ideals, faithful to who you are... and trustworthy in doing so. For me, this week, I wrestled with a question I have long been asked and have stumbled too many times to "narrow it down". The unwritten advice was to be narrow. It is not who I am. My cause and purpose and service is... but my delivery is not. This week, I dared to break that seemingly unwritten rule and created this new business card.
It felt right. Who I best serve is on the right. How I bring it as my own unique wolf is on the left; all of it. It is what I am humbly excited to bring to the main stage in speaking and singing with our band, at #CAPS2017. It is what I am and do. Yes, “A master in the art of living draws no sharp distinction between his work and his play; his labor and his leisure; his mind and his body; his education and his recreation. He hardly knows which is which. He simply pursues his vision of excellence through whatever he is doing, and leaves others to determine whether he is working or playing. To himself, he always appears to be doing both.” I know I am no master, but I am striving to be a simpler man.
Find your wolf. Then get GREAT at being it, everyday. Therein, I might suggest you will find both joyfulness and excellence... BEING you at your best. In doing so, remember...
I constructively, humbly dare you. And, if you can't be in the work you most love then love the work you are in... for now. As for me... on my continued road back to optimal health and in my life and work, I am going to put it to the task... and will let you know.
Oh, and here is the message in video; if you like. :-)
Peace, passion and prosperity.
Barry Lewis Green, aka The Unity Guy?
Barry is ultimately a vocalist, strength coach and educator. His work is about exploring, identifying, practicing and mastering our strengths and building upon them through practical and powerful unity and resourcefulness. That is why Barry is The Unity Guy?. EPIC Engage? is an extension of The Unity Guy?. The Epic work is all about building strong, united and inspired cultures lead by character… at school, work, business and community; where everyone matters and contributes everyday.
Some other reads, of note...
- Life and Care Hacks
- For Leaders and Educators
- Some Thoughtful Perspectives
- One Thought at a Time
- Three Teachers
- Character Matters: Leader Thoughts
- Leader ToC
- Character First
- Developing Leadership Character
PPS (Other Resources)
- Our work is all about character. We work hard and joyfully to help build character driven, united and resourceful organizations and communities around the globe. As part of that work, we offer you …
- and our buffet of FREE services and resources here.