New Job Postings / Nouvelles offres d'emploi
BC Land Surveyor or Land Surveyor in Training, Victoria BC
Party Chief, Vancouver, BC
Survey Assistant, Lloydminster, SK
Survey Assistant, Vancouver, BC
Survey Technologist, Cranbrook, BC
Survey Technologist, Vancouver, BC
More Job Postings / Plus d'offres d'emploi
A PSC Member Benefit / Un avantage de membre de GPC
Complimentary posting of information to the National Job Bank is a benefit of membership.
L’affichage gratuit sur la banque d’emplois nationale constitue l’un des avantages de votre adhésion.
Membership / L'adhésion
Sign up now - your membership will last until December 31st of the following year.
Inscrivez-vous maintenant - votre adhésion durera jusqu'au 31 décembre de l’année suivante.
PSC Membership Application
Formulaire de demande
PSC also offers these other membership categories:
- student - open to articling students, CBEPS candidates and full- or part-time post secondary students in a surveying or geomatics related program.
- retired
- associate - open to those with an interest in the surveying profession.
Contact PSC at [email protected] for more information.
Read our latest quarterly report / Lisez notre dernier rapport trimestriel
Professional Surveyors Canada (PSC) is a not-for-profit, national association that advocates the professional surveying profession, to benefit and protect the interests of the public.