New Jersey Impaired Driving Quick Guide: Alcohol & Drug Use Recognition 1st Edition
In today’s society, drivers are impaired by drugs as much as they are by alcohol. As more states turn to the legalization of marijuana, law enforcement officers have to recognize the signs of drug-impaired drivers as well as how to test these impaired drivers. This manual is intended for every level of police officer from the rookie patrol officer to the seasoned law enforcement executive. This manual will cover the two Standardized Field Sobriety Tests (SFSTs) that every officer should be using upon academy graduation. It will also cover advanced tests for patrol officers for testing drug-impaired drivers as well as tests for a Drug Recognition Expert Officer. Finally, it will cover key points of report writing that can be included in almost every impaired driving arrest report. It is intended that this manual serve as a reference when investigating impaired drivers that will help lead to successful convictions. Also included are applicable New Jersey drunk driving laws from Titles 39 and 2C, as well as a contact list for important New Jersey resources.
Included in this guide are resources specifically for the State of New Jersey. All applicable criminal statutes, motor vehicle statutes, and contact information can be found in this publication.
This quick guide covers the two Standardized Field Sobriety Tests (SFSTs) that every officer should be using upon academy graduation. Advanced tests for patrol officers testing drug-impaired drivers, tests for a Drug Recognition Expert Officer, and highlights key points that can be included in almost every impaired driving arrest report.
Topics include:?
- Overview of Impaired Driving
- Walk and Turn Testing
- One Leg Stand Testing
- Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus Testing
- DRE Psychophysical Testing
- DRE Testing Chart
- DRE Drug Categories Signs and Symptoms
- Report Writing Tidbits
- Courtroom Testimony Considerations
“At Blue360 Media we provide the most current and up to date laws, guidelines and training material to better inform our nations law enforcement officers, from the rookie street cop to the seasoned investigator, we inform the people who keep our communities safe”
Joe Bucco
Business Development Manager-
Active Law Enforcement Officer