New Interest rate regime.
We are in a new regime from ZIRP ,NIRP to higher yield.
We have a lot of debt in the system and the outlook is not great.
We accelerated during covid to prevent a recession. Stimulus cheque and all.
Something always breaks.
Yield curve has always inverted.
Dollar surges due to higher rates .
Money leaving the banking system to go to money market in search of higher yield.
Where is the demand to be treasury bills in the face of Biden stimulus package
Bonds on Sale.
Bonds not doing great.
Hiking always puts yield higher across the spectrum.
Volatility has increased.
Winners and losers'.
Oil Cracking.
S&P 500 heading lower.
No incentive to hold Stocks and be compensated as risk premium disappears.
Is this the signal in the noise of a pivot?
Egypt on edge.
Credit tightening.
Government locked in short term duration bonds.
War is expensive.
Someone else is in the market.