New at Insights for Change: Transitioning from Conventional to Participatory Grantmaking, and Funder Listening by Funder Doing
Fund for Shared Insight
A national funder collaborative improving philanthropy by centering the people and communities at the heart of our work
How Participatory Grantmaking Supports a Community-Driven Vision of Safety
A new blog post from Jeree Thomas — accompanied by videos clips from a Thomas interview — tells the story of how Borealis Philanthropy turned a conventional grantmaking fund into a participatory one that gives space to a diversity of voices making decisions on the distribution of resources.
Borealis knows, Thomas writes, “that people most impacted by policing and the criminal legal system are the ones most capable of defining and leading transformational change
Listening Beyond Grantmaking: A Local Foundation Hears a Call to Run a Preschool Program
A second post features a different way funders can listen to the people they seek to serve — by responding to a community’s enunciated needs with a hands-on approach. Read how Black Belt Community Foundation stepped in to run a local Head Start program after hearing about its funding struggles.
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#philanthropy #FunderListening #funders #foundations #grantmaking #ParticipatoryGrantmaking #listening #feedback #CommunityCentering