New and Improved Online "Blue Book" - Available Now
Steel Construction Institute
The leading, independent provider of technical expertise & disseminator of best practice in steel construction.
We are pleased to inform you that SCI has recently updated the online version of the “Blue Book”, which is accessible from the? or directly via?
The main objective of the update was to add resistance tables for S460 steel as the use of higher grade of steel means smaller lighter sections and less embodied carbon – S460 can be particularly useful for column sections in multi-storey buildings. Looking to the future, resistances in S460 for angles and channels have also been added, although designers should check availability before specifying these sections in higher grade. Resistances in S275 are still included but are shown with a greyed-out font on index pages to reflect the gradual move towards higher strengths. The S275 resistances may be used to verify existing members, but S275 should not be specified for new beam and column sections.
The section ranges for hollow sections have also been comprehensively updated to reflect the sections produced by?Tata Steel?in S355, S420 and S460. The resistance tables for hollow sections now clearly indicate which sections are readily available. Other sections and steel grades may be subject to minimum order sizes.
One important feature of the online “Blue Book” is the facility to either print or export the data to Excel, for every table. Exporting to a spreadsheet may be particularly useful if section property data or member resistances are needed for subsequent calculations. SCI initially developed the online “Blue Book” in 2017 and it has now become one of the most used resources on the site. The familiar layout and structure of the online resource has not been changed in the recent update and it is hoped that users will appreciate the wider scope of the online “Blue Book”.
For more information regarding SCI software, contact:
Guillaume Vannier, Manager, SCI.